The New Normal

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Bucky's POV

I sat on a recliner chair, bundled up in blankets. With the love of my life curled up in my lap. Life has gone by peacefully ever since Steve returned the stones. It has been two years since the final battle, it still affected a few. I didn't blame them. Pepper still hurting from losing Tony, having to raise a kid alone and the disappearance of Peter Parker (sorry I had to throw that in) Sam feeling the pressure of now holding the shield and title of Captain America. But Steve and I have had a peaceful retirement, which was okay. Just okay.

I love Steve, he loves me too. I just feel like the intimacy died down a little after everything, I honestly didn't mind. Things were just more slow now.

But things were great all the same, we stayed in contact with everyone, well everyone we could. Steve and I even mentioned marriage a few times, I looked down at my sleeping boyfriend and kissed his forehead that rested on my chest.

"Oh Steve, if only you knew how much you mean to me. You're my world, hell you're my universe. I like what's going on now, slow and steady. It's great. We didn't really do that when we started out. We've gone through so much, you and me, Its great we finally can rest. I wanna marry you one day, really I do. Till the end of the line, like we always said. I love you so much, baby doll" the words fell quietly from my lips, not trying to wake him.

"I love you too, my sweetheart"

Oops, to late.

He shifted in my lap, so he could look at me. He smiled at me, GOD I love that smile. I swear it makes the world better, he moved his head up so he could kiss me, I moved my head too and met him half way.

The kiss was sweet and gentle, our eyes flattered shut as we brushed our lips together, we softly broke away and he looked at me with those beautiful blues. Steve sighed, "so much has changed now huh? No more bad guys to fight, no more missions, just you and me, its kinda like the new normal for us" I nodded at that.

"Yeah, the new normal"

After that, we got off the recliner chair and went to bed.

Though we didn't sleep for an hour or so ;-)

Fun fact about the title: the new normal is what my dad said to me after I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, anyway! Have a good day/night my loves! I love you 3000 💜

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