I Can't See You *Part Three* (republished)

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What? You can't see me?" "No its all black and gray" Steve stared at Bucky in disbelief, he had to get a Doctor, fast.

He pressed the emergency button, and continued to hold Bucky gently, a man and a woman jogged in and Bucky gripped Steve tighter, the blonde could tell the burnet was very scared, "whats wrong?" the man asked, Steve looked down at Bucky who was burying his face in Steves chest, "I-- I don't know he-- he says he can't see" is all he could say, Steve let go of Bucky but moved his hand down Buckys flesh arm so he knew he was there and let the professionals do their work.

The doctors check the burnet over and left not too long after, Bucky fell asleep and obviously Steve held his hand, the doctor returned and asked to talk to him alone, Steve let go of Buckys hand and walked outside with him.

"We think Mr Barnes has suffered a serious blow to the head. Its affected the part of the brain that helps him see and it might affect his recent memory too" he said to the Captain, he took it all in, oh god how's Bucky gonna react to this? He thought.


Bucky took it all okay, he looked frightened but okay.

That same night he had a panic attack.

Steve woke up to the sound of panting, he looked at the hospital bed and Bucky was tossing and turning. Steve moved closer to Bucky and grabbed his shaking arms "Bucky hey, hey shhhh, shhhh, its okay, its okay shhhhh, I'm here honey, I'm here" Bucky jolted awake and screamed Steve pulled him close and continued to soothe him, the burnet sobbed loudly into Steves chest, "Stevie *sniff* I'm scared, I'm so scared Steve *sob* I don't know where I am, I wanna go home, please Steve *sniff* take me home".

This happened again two days later.

And it happened again, he had two in one night.


Eight weeks in the hospital, Bucky wasn't getting any better, panic attacks had gotten worse and worse every day. Steve couldn't take it anymore.

While Bucky was sleeping, Steve went to talk to the doctor, he told him he wanted to take Bucky home.

"Sir, we can't monitor him when he's not here--" "Doc, he has panic attacks EVERY night, he's stressed out whenever he's not sleeping and he doesn't know where he is, if I take him home he'll be in a familiar environment" Steve cut the man off "that's true but what if something happens? Hmm? What then?" The Doctor replied.

"Something tells me you don't know who I am and who I live with" Steve crossed his arms, the Doctor just scratched his face, he was shorter than the blonde, dark and grey hair hinting he was in his 50s, "Dr Banner and maybe Dr Strange will monitor him, and I will be with him day and night, 24/7, always. I promise" the dark gray haired man sighed, "alright".

Steve smiled and thanked him.


That afternoon, Steve took Bucky home to the Compound, Bucky wore sunglasses to protect his eyes. The Avengers met the two in the living room, they quietly welcomed them back with gentle hellos and kisses on the cheeks from Nat and Wanda.

They got the the elevator and the team stood in a group looking really worried, Steve smiled sadly at them all as the door closed, the elevator began to move and Bucky shuddered as it went up to the floor where all the rooms were.

Steve held Bucky's hand and rubbed his flesh shoulder gently, he leaned closer and placed a kiss to Buckys temple, "its okay, baby. I got you, we're almost there" the blonde whispered sweetly to his lover, the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

Steve lead the burnet to their room, at last. Steve set Bucky on the couch and Steve closed every curtain and blind he could find, the doctor said he had to have the room dark.

When he was finished, he sat next to Buckys on the couch. Bucky turned his body to where he felt Steve was, the burnet reached out to Steves face, he came in a bit short and placed his hand on the blondes neck, Steve gently moved Buckys hand up to his cheek and kissed the palm, Bucky traced Steves face with his fingers, trying to remember every detail of his face in case he would never see it again.

Steve somehow understood what he was doing, "hey, you will see again, okay? I promise you, you will see me and the team again, I love you so much" he whispered to the burnet softly, he nodded and Steve pulled him onto his lap and held him tightly.

They both fell asleep on the couch, holding each other tightly. NEVER intending to let go.

So part 3 and 4 of this story (plus anther chapter) are causing problems with me so I'm just republishing them to see if this works, have a good day/night loves!! 💜💜

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