I lost you twice

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"Steve?" The Captain heard a voice from behind him, the Avengers just lost to Thanos, the Titan had disappeared into a portal, gone, leaving the hero's defeated and beaten, not prepared for what was to come, the Captain turned around slowly, his eyes casted upon Bucky, his best friend since childhood, the man he fought along side with in WW2, the man he saw fall to his "death" right in front of his eyes, the man who came back years later, tortured by HYDRA and wiped of all memories, the broken soul, the broken soldier, the man he was deeply in love with, was fading into dust.

Nonono was all the blonde could think, as he watched his secret love fall to the ground and disappear into thin air, it hurt to breathe, it stung to think, he was gone.

He walked over to the place were he vanished, he kneeled down and placed his hand on the ground, was this really happening? Unfortunately it was.

One by one all the Wakandan soldiers vanished into dust along with some of The Avengers, Sam, Wanda, T'challa, Groot and Bucky, Steve jogged around the forest looking for survivors, Nat, Rhodey, Bruce, Okoye and Rocket all made it, Steve ended up falling upon Vision, he was Grey and colorless his eyes were white and empty, his forehead had a hole where the Mind Stone would be, the powerful gem was now with Thanos and was used to wipe out half the universe, he rolled Vision onto his back and sat down beside him, "Steve, what's going on" Rhodey asked, Steve didn't answer he just sat there on the forest floor, trying to take in what just happened "oh god".


Thanos was defeated, dead. The Avengers had won, the giant prune was gone, never coming back, he wasn't going to hurt anyone anymore, the snap was finally being reversed, one by one Wakandan soldiers reappeared, Shuri rushed for her brother had hugged him tightly, Sam and Wanda emerged from the forest and medics came to check them over, but Steve only had his mind on one person, Bucky.

Steve basically was running to where he saw his friend disappear years earlier, he knew this was his chance, his chance to admit his feelings for the burnett, nothing was going to stop him.

Bucky couldn't see, he was laying on the ground, he didn't know where he was, he didn't know what was happening, he could hear distant voices one seemed to be calling his name, everything was a blur, he could make out a person by his side talking to him "Buck, Bucky its me, its Steve, I'm right here" Steve his best friend, his vision slowly began to clear, "Steve, I need to tell you something" Steve blinked with confusion "Stevie, I-- I love you" wait, WHAT??? the blonde mentally screamed and tears formed in his eyes "I love you too, James" he leaned down to kiss his friend, and to his delight, Bucky kissed right back.

A/N short one, but I wanted to write something about Avengers Endgame, I'm not prepared for this movie, not one bit, are you?

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