heart broken

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It'd been 10 months, 10 months since Steve went missing. Bucky should've gone with him. He might have been okay.

It was a standard mission, nothing the Captain hadn't done before, but somehow he just disappeared.

At first Bucky tried to stay strong, he (along with other avengers) ordered search parties, satellites and worldwide detectives to look for their lost leader. After three months, they'd searched half the world, nothing.

Bucky's POV

Through the next two months, we looked and looked but nothing was showing up. Why wasn't anything showing up? Why can't they find my boyfriend?

As I sit at my desk in me and Steve's room, guilt rises within me. The last time I saw him we had a fight, he said he was gonna be off missions for a while so we could focus on ourselves and eachother, but he was called to a mission and I got mad, the truth is i just wanted him to stay by my side, but he "couldn't ignore it" and he left before either of us could apologize.

One month later, the last search was finished. I asked if another could be arranged but they refused and officially presumed Steve dead, "no, no hes not dead, I can feel it I know it! We have to keep looking we have to!" I cried as I was pulled out of the debriefing room.

The Avengers lost hope, but I didn't. Since we couldn't look for him, I waited. I waited for him to come back, for another month I became desperate for him to come back to me. He didn't come back. I needed him back.

Third person POV

Bucky went downhill after that, greif, depression and guilt boiled inside him everyday. To the point where it took a toll on his body.

Natasha found Bucky passed out on the floor of his bedroom, she called for Sam to help move the burnet to the medical bay.

Nat and Wanda both sat in chairs around Bucky's bed, Wanda gazed at him and Nat read a book. Sam entered and sat in the chair next to Nat "Bruce told me the analogy results..." Nat and Wanda turned simultaneously to listen, "... And?" The redhead spy asked, "there's absolutely nothin' wrong with 'em" Nat's eyebrows raise and Wanda looks back at Bucky, a man she'd learned to trust over the years.

"Nothing? Then why's he like this?" Nat rhetorically asked, mind boggling over this.

"I know why" Wanda said, her hand on Bucky's head, searching through his Brain with her powers "he's got a broken heart, he misses Steve so much he feels like he can't go on"

Nat and Sams faces melted into realization, how'd they not think of this? All of a sudden, the grief felt contagious. The mourning and longing poked and prodded at the three heros.

"Only Steve can heal him now, if he's even alive" Falcon said to the Black Widow as they suited up to do another search, they had to, Bucky's life depended on it.

They found Steve, (well technically he found them) at an airport in London. He was taken by Hydra agents and was put into a base in Poland. He escaped and country hopped to disappear from Hydra's sight. That's why they couldn't find him, they were too slow.

Steve only had one question for his friends ounce they boarded the Quinjet "how's Bucky been?" The two avengers looked at eachother before sitting Steve down to tell him.

They arrived back at the compound, Steve rushed inside to the medical bay. To find his forever on a hospital bed on oxygen with Wanda next to him.

He leaned over his love, brushing the side of his face with the back his hand. "Wanda, can you wake him up?" Wanda nodded, she'd try her best at least, she pushed the tips of her fingers against Bucky's head, red magic swirled around and she removed her hand from him.

"Can we be alone, please?" Steve asked and his friends left without a word.

Bucky slowly began to open his eyes, Steve smiled and cupped the burnet's face with his hands. Bucky looks to Steve "hey there, my darling".

Bucky's eyes widen, he sits up slightly "Steve? Am- am I dead?" Steve shakes his head, grabbed Bucky's flesh hand and placed the palm against his cheek "no, you're alive. And so am I" Steve said with teary eyes, reality hit Bucky like a bus, he sat up so his back was straight and looked closer at Steve "Steve? Steve!" Bucky threw himself at Steve and immediately began to sob violently, he clung to his soulmate like a lifeline (he was in a way).

Steve had never held Bucky this tight, he buried his face into his boyfriends neck, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm so so sorry" Steve whispered into his boyfriends skin "Stevie, you came back to me, you came home" Bucky breathed in the one he loved, a familiar fragrance that even before the serum, never failed to ground him. Steve pressed a kiss to Bucky's nape and shifted his head to whisper in Bucky's ear.

"Yes, yes I'm back. And this time- this time I'm not leaving, I'll never leave you until we both deem it necessary" Steve says with passion, "yeah, until you're next mission" Bucky said, not getting it. Steve pulled away to look Bucky in the face and chuckled, "no Buck, you don't get it. I'm staying, I'm choosing you, I'm staying with you. Because I made you a promise and I broke it, I want to forefill it properly. We'll move somewhere quiet, where we can be together, no publicity, nothing, just us, you and me".

As if Bucky wasn't crying enough already, another wave of sobs exited his body. Steve cupped Bucky's face with his hands, and slowly pressed his lips to his. The soft and sweet taste of eachother on their tongues put them both on cloud nine.

They stopped for air, their foreheads connected. Both of them crying, "I love you, Buck. I'll love you forever" Steve promised and Bucky smiled "I love you too, Steve".

True to his promise Steve found a cabin in the woods to live in, they officially moved in three weeks later. Time went on, life was quiet, Days filled with sharing breakfast, walking through the woods to the nearby river hand in hand, gardening and kisses. Nights filled with comforting eachother after a nightmare, late night dances, love making ;), movie marathons and more kisses.

They got married 5 months after moving, they wanted a private one, so it was just them and an officiant. They said they will have a big one for their friends another time.

Never had either of them had felt this amount of love for eachother, it was so visible, heavy, raw and present. They held eachother, loved eachother, cherished eachother, hearts and souls bounding together into the morning light. Hearts bursting, knowing they'd be together forever.

Hey my babies! Something long and sweet to make up for the last chapter. I'm just popping in to tell you all this might be the last chapter for a while, it's not over! I would just like to focus on other projects for the time being, I might make a second book like this idk rn, if you ship Winterfalcon I'll be doing a oneshot book with them, or if ur a flaming lesbian I'll be doing a random wlw oneshot book, check those out if you like! Okay, bye my lovelies! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES 💛💙💜💚❤💗💓💕💖💞💘💋

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