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If you don't read my conversation board I posted saying I had a dream that Steve and Bucky retired together and started a food truck with The Avengers as regular customers and I heard around that Steve is Irish and I wanted to Google it and LOOK AT THE FIRST THING THAT CAME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Avengers won against Thanos.

Though they lost Tony, the universe was bought back to life which means Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes reunited after five years.

After years of fighting, Steve figured it was time to retire and start a family.

Bucky had similar thoughts, he had been done with fighting for a while but joined in the fight against Thanos for the good of the universe.

The Avengers through a party for them and bid them farewell and good luck but promised to keep in touch.

When you retire, you'd picture relaxing in a four bedroom house watching TV and going on vacation every once in a while, but Steve and Bucky had a different idea.

They started a food truck.

The two had different ways of cooking, Steve was a health nut, and Bucky was more of a fast food person while staying in shape at the same time, so they took both styles and made it into one, their truck was for people on either side of eating choices, Bucky's menu was fast food and Steve's was vegetarian.

They would drive everywhere in New York, staying and serving there for a week and then go to another part of New York.

And I don't mean to make this mature or anything but let's just say the two "park" after closing time.

The occasional fan would ask for a picture and the two happily obliged, but when those people posted them instead of saying "OMG I met Captain America and The Winter Soldier" they said "OMG I met Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes".

People finally recognized them for who they really are.

The Avengers Became regular customers when the couple were in New York City, they would go after missions, order food and catch up, and being their best friends they were allowed to come after closing time.

A few years went by, Steve and Bucky settled down and adopted twin girls, their names were Bluebird (I had to add her in here) and Nina, the Avengers were proud aunties and uncles.

Steve and Bucky watched as their daughters grew and the Avengers retired one by one, and for the rest of their lives they were happy. All of them.

Its short I'm sorry, but I'm already working on the next one so stay tuned! 💜

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