Midnight dances

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Steve's POV

I hardly ever get sleep nowadays.

Ever since my boyfriend moved into the compound, I've never bothered. I'm just worried that if I do he'll have a nightmare and I won't be able to calm him down until he starts screaming, which is when the nightmare gets bad.

But tonight I just couldn't help it. I drifted off into sleep without even trying to stop myself.

Bucky's POV

I was in a random house. I didn't know where I was, I heard screaming from beside me I turned around to see, The Winter Soldier pinned a man with Raven hair against a wall holding a knife, his wife and daughter sitting in the corner of the room crying and screaming at me, him? To stop.

"Please don't kill me, not in front of them, please!" The man cried, I couldn't look at it anymore, I ran towards the door and I heard the man screech in pain, I could feel the tears as I opened the wooden door and rushed out.

What was outside became a floating collapsing Hellacarier, I saw Winter and Steve close to the edge, Winter was punching him over and over until his face was beaten and bruised, Steve said something to him but I couldn't make it out.

White filled my vision then I was on a road, I saw the crashed car of Howard Stark, the grey haired man was held against the side of the vehicle, Winter punched him until his head fell limp, Maria called to her husband before Winter opened the door of the car, placed Howard's dead body in the driver's seat and walked around to the other side of the car and choked her.

"Stop, stop, stop" I say burying my face in my hands, I feel a distant voice calling, I don't know what its saying until it gets closer.

"Bucky, wake up, baby. Please" Steve, His voice fills my head, the love of my life calls my name as I fell my body being sucked back to reality.

Third person POV

Bucky screamed, his body bolted upright, trying to escape from what was gripping on him, "shhh, shhh. Bucky its me, its Steve, just Steve, shhh, baby. You're okay" Bucky looked into his lover's worried eyes, his own filled with fear, Steve didn't hesitate to pull the burnet into his bare chest, Bucky grabbed Steve's arms sobbed loudly into the blonde as he rubbed his back, "its okay, sweetheart. I'm here, I've got you" Steve held him tightly, not wanting to let go for a second, until an idea crossed his mind, Steve moved to leave the bed but Bucky squeezed his arms "its okay Buck, just come with me" Steve took Bucky's hands and lead him to the center of their room "FRIDAY, play something slow please?" he asked the AI and a slow piano started playing.

There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now

Steve put his muscular arms around his boyfriend, Bucky's hands placed themselves on Steve's shoulders. Steve swayed them both to the rhythm, Bucky burying his face into the crook of the blondes neck, breathing deeply.

And there goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh. 'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

There goes my hands shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now

If I could turn back the clock
I'd make that light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour of every day
Keeping you safe

Steve kissed Bucky's temple and whispered "I love you" in his ear.

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh. 'Cause I need you to see

That you are the reason
I don't want to fight no more
I don't want to hide no more
I don't want to cry no more

Come back. I need you to hold me
(You are the reason)
A little closer now
Just a little closer now
Come a little closer
I need you to hold me tonight

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

The lyrics ended and Bucky had half fallen asleep in Steve's arms, the blonde swept the burnett off the ground and placed him on the bed and layed down beside him, Bucky groaned and rolled over and stretched his arm over Steve's abs, the blonde gave a small chuckle as the burnett moved closer until they were basically cuddling.

Steve smiled at Bucky's peaceful face. He leaned his head down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, "I love you, baby" he whispered softly to him, "love you more" Bucky murmured and with that they both feel asleep in each other's arms.

Hope you enjoyed this! The song is "The Reason" by Callum Scott in case you were wondering!


Alee 💜

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