You and Me Against the World

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Its 10:15pm, Steve isn't home. Why isn't he home? A storm is brewing outside and its the begging of winter, pretty much Steve's worst enemies.

10:19pm. That's it, I'm going to find that punk. I grab my jacket and quickly dash out the door.

10:30pm. I've checked five alleyways, behind the diner down the road and the drug store where we buy his medication. No Steve, my worry had gone from 10 to 100 in seconds. Oh god, please be okay, Stevie. Please.

10:35pm. Its raining now. I look down the sixth alleyway, right after I turn to leave I notice a corner, I jog down the side of the building and turn it.

There he was, propped up against the brick wall. Blood and bruises on his face, he's soaking wet and shivering. "Steve! Oh my god, Steve. Are you okay? Can you hear me?" I'm on one knee cupping the right side of his face. His eyes flutter open slowly.

"B- Bucky?" He says with a small voice, he's been here a while. "It's okay, I'm here, Stevie. I'm right here" I comfort him as I take off my jacket, and drape it over him, I pick him up bridal style and his head leans into my shoulder, I kiss his forehead without care of who would see, as if anyone would be outside in this whether anyway.

I run down the streets of Brooklyn so fast my brain buzzed. Small coughs and groans come from the frail blonde, I kiss his nose twice so he knows its me.

I finally make it back to our apartment, I make my way to the bathroom and turn the shower on. Making sure its warm and ready for him.


After we showered and changed out of our wet clothes, I tended to the cut on his cheek and the split in his lip. His wrist was sprained, I bandaged it up the way Sarah had taught me. Ounce I was done, I carried him to bed.

"I'm sorry, Bucky. I tried my best to get home but the fight left me with an asthma attack I--" "no no no, shhhhhh its okay Stevie you did your best" I kissed my boyfriend on the lips in a passionate kiss, we disconnected and I pulled him into me, his head snuggling into the warmth of my neck.

He slowly feel asleep in my arms, I pulled the blankets up further over us. I hum a random tune in his ear, "I love you, my little Stevie. No ones gonna hurt you anymore, I'm here, there's nothing that will take this away from us, it'll always be you and me against the world".

Soon enough, my eyes started to close. I held the love of my life in my arms gently as I slowly slipped into dream land, not a care in the universe.

I'm alive! Gosh its been a while, sorry I took so long! I just lost the energy to write for a minute, how have y'all been?

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