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Heres the update y'all been wanting, enjoy!💜

The Avengers were on a mission one morning, today they were taking down the last HYDRA base where people were experimented on, Steve and Nat took out the scientists while the others got the subjects out safely, "all clear!" Tony declared to the heroes "let's get out of here, after this mission no one will be experimented on" Nat said with relief in her voice.

Steve glanced around the group, everyone was here except his husband, Bucky. he turned around to not find the burnet behind him "where's Bucky?" Steve asked and everyone stopped and looked around, nothing.

As if on cue, Bucky's voice filled the Avengers coms, "uh, you guys might want to come to the basement" he sounded worried, the heroes quickly made their way down the stone stairs and down to the basement.

Bucky was kneeled down on the floor murmuring to himself when he heard footsteps coming from behind him, he quickly got up from his spot and shushed the Avengers "shhhh, you might scare her", "who?" Sam asked suspiciously.

Confused, Steve walked slowly towards Bucky and with his metal arm he pointed to the corner of the room.

And God forbid what he saw.

A tiny little girl, curled up against the cold steel walls, a rag that looked like a pillow case with arm and head holes cut into it covered her body, she had dirty blonde hair hanging down to her elbows and eyes they couldn't make out because they were screwed shut, she looked so small and feeble, her arms and legs were covered in bruises and cuts, according to her body language and fast breathing, she was absolutely terrified.

The other Avengers joined the couple and shockness expressed all over their faces, how could they hurt a innocent child? "Buck, you and I will approach her quietly, the rest of you wait here" Steve planned before removing his helmet and placing it on the gray pavement beside him, Bucky did the same with his gun and nodded, he started stepping slowly towards the girl, the others watched as they walked up to the tiny child.

"Hey there" Steve said softly to the little girl she opened one of her eyes to reveal a piercing blue orb staring fearfully back at them, she tried to shuffle back into the corner more "don't hurt me, pwease?" Her voice was small, shy and full if pain. Bucky shook his head "were not gonna hurt you, what's your name?" He asked her gently and softly, she opened her other eye.

Still scared, she answered the question the metal armed man gave her "B--B---Bluebird" she managed to stutter out, Steve raised his eyebrows "Bluebird? That's a pretty name, how old are you, darling?" She lifted her miniscule hand and raised two fingers, Steve heard the faint gasp from Nat and Wanda behind him, it took everything in him not to start crying, what kind of monster would hurt a child this young?

"Are you guys here to save me?" She asked them, her voice a bit teary now. Bucky nodded "we're here to help you, just let Captain America over here carry you outside and we'll fix up your cuts" Bucky said reassuringly and Bluebird nodded.

Steve moved forward and gently picked up the little one, she flinched under his touch at first but ended up snuggling into the blonde's shoulder, he walked slowly out of the basement and the Avengers followed suit.

****time skip****

Back at the compound Tony and Bruce were nursing Bluebird back to health, while outside the lab the Avengers were talking about what where they going to do with the child.

"We should take her to an orphanage" Sam said leaning against the wall "you want to give her away to people she doesn't know let alone trust?" Wanda argued "technically, she doesn't know us either, Maximoff!" Falcon retorted back "excuse me, but she trusted Steve enough to carry her out of the HYDRA base" Clint corrected.

"She's a little girl, she's scared, hurt and clueless to why it all happened, she's also a test subject so God knows whether she has powers or not and how dangerous they are, we can't give her away in hope she'll forget everything about it and somehow learn to control her abilities by herself, we might not have a choice" no one answered Nat because 1: she had a good point and 2: they knew better than to argue with the Black Widow.

"Me and Bucky could take her in" Steve said and everyone looked at the couple, "you sure, man?" Sam asked and Steve nodded "I mean, me and Buck have been talking about having kids for a while now so we figured why not?" He said grabbing Bucky's hand, the burnet smiled lovingly at his husband, it was him who wanted kids in the first place, he was so happy it was finally happening.

Tony got his robots to prepare and paint a room for young Bluebird, Nat changed her new neice into some proper clothes that Wanda made herself, then the two took the child out to get her some toys while Steve and Bucky got other thing. Clothing, drawers to put them in, shelves and lots of other stuff, the room was finished that afternoon, it had blossom tree walls with Bluebirds sitting on the branches.

It was late evening, Steve walked down the hallway and past Bluebird's room, the door was slightly open, so he peeked in to see Bucky sitting by their daughters bed side running his fingers over her head, she couldn't go to sleep after what happened in HYDRA, "shhhh, its ok sweetie, this stuff happened to me too" she gave him a suprised look "it did, Papa?" Bucky nodded "yup, now try to sleep" he said leaning in and kissing her cheek "can you sing to me?" she asked shyly, "of course" Bucky said before thinking of what to sing.

Every night I ly in bed
A thousand colors fill my head
A million dreams keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all its gonna take
A million dreams for the world were gonna make

Bluebird was already asleep when he finished, he kissed her forhead "good night, Birdy" he whispered and he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Ge turned to see Steve looking at him in complete awe, Bucky blushed "um, how much did you--" Steve cut him off with a kiss, it was short but full of passion and love. They broke away and Steve cupped Bucky's cheek "you're amazing, we're going to be great parents to Bluebird" Bucky nodded in response. 

So ya'll probably wondering "what kind of name is Bluebird?" well origionally I wanted to give her a name that meant Bluebird but when I googled it, it came up with names that meant Blue, so her name is Bluebird and will be showing up and random times, love you guys! 💜

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