Leaving for war

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Pre serum

Bucky Barnes stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he was in his war uniform, holding onto a large sack full of his belongings, ready to leave for battle.

But if he did leave, he would be leaving behind the most precious thing in his life. His loving boyfriend Steve.

He wanted to fight for his country, but he didn't want to leave his Stevie all alone, what if he got an asthma attack when No one was around? What if he got himself beat up and he wasn't there to bandage him up and tell him everything was going to be okay?

He tried to reassure himself Steve would be okay, the little guy's a fighter, he'll be fine he thought not entirely believing it.

"You ready, sergeant?" He heard a clear voice from behind him, he looked away from his reflection to see Steve leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, smiling sadly.

Bucky's P.O.V

I nod and he starts walking towards the living room, I follow him dragging my feet across the floor.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I ask him he turns around and peirces me with his blue eyes, god I could get lost in those eyes for hours. "I'll be fine Buck, you know that. The real question is will you be okay?" I didn't answer, I placed my hand on his cheek and I noticed a tear in his eye "Steve, I want you to promise me. If I don't come home" I paused "you'll move on and live your life without me" his mouth opened but nothing came out, I felt him tremble under my touch, I feel awful, I don't want to leave him like this.

"I-- I don't know how I can do that" ya tryin' to rip me in half, Rogers? I say in my head, I tilt his head up with my fourth finger and thumb, forcing him to look me in the eye's "can you at least try for me?" He nods slightly I drop the sack before pulling him into me wrapping my arms around his waist as his went around my neck.

"I'll try my best" he whispered shakily, I force a smile "I love you Stevie, so much, always have and always will, you and only you" a tear escapes his eye and I feel my heart splitting in two.

I lean my head down and place my lips on his, screwing my eyes shut, never wanting to let go, I cling to his small body tightly as the kiss deepend, separating for a split second to catch a breath before connecting again.

I didn't want that moment to end, but it had too. Our face's separated and I pressed our foreheads together, still clutching on to the one I call my soulmate, tears silently fall down my cheeks.

"C'mon Buck, its time to go" no, I'm not leaving you, that's what I wanted to say, but I just nodded, Why did I nod? I don't want to leave.

My heart screamed no, but my mind forced me to do otherwise, I felt myself loosening my grip on his waist, I felt Steve unwrapping his arms from around my neck, his hands slipped down my arms and I felt him squeeze my hands .

We stood like that for a few minutes before I had to let go, I picked up the sack and began to walk towards the door, I stopped and stood right in front of it, "I love you" I whisper loud enough for him to hear, "I love you too" Steve's voice was shaky as if he was crying, I quickly glanced back to reveal that he was, why am I doing this? I love Steve, so why am I leaving?

Nothing could stop the tears now, they rolled down my cheeks as I reached for the door knob, I freeze.

"Oh for gods sake James, go!" Steve shouted shakily before he opened the door and shoved me out of it.

The door slammed behind me as I began to sob violently, I had no choice but to leave the apartment building.

As I walk down the hallway, memories flood my brain, the day we first met, the day I discovered my love for him, the day I found out he loved me too, our first kiss, the promises to be together forever, the cuddles on the couch it was all rushing back to me.

I'll never forgive myself for this.

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