End it all

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A/N 💥WARNING💥 suicide attempts are in this one shot so if that stuff triggers you I recommend not reading this, but if it doesn't, enjoy!

Post serum

Bucky was sick of this, he was sick of pretending this was all ok, he was sick of fake smiling every day, he was sick of feeling all the guilt of all the people he hurt and killed, he didn't want to feel this way, he didn't want to live anymore.

He stood in his room of his and Steve's apartment in Brooklyn, the blonde wasn't home, so Bucky decided he'd do it today, he was doing the right thing, if he did this no one would be a risk, Steve wouldn't be at risk.

He held a gun in his hand, he stared at it knowing that soon it would go to his head and end his life forever.

He loaded the gun and held it to his head, ready for the bullet to enter his skull.

"B-Bucky?" A/N don't even think about it  Well f*ck the burnett thought in his head, he turned around to see his best friend, standing in the doorway. His breathing was uneven and heavy, his hands out in front of him, a horrified look on just face.

"w-what are you doing?" His voice was wobbly and fearful, something not often seen in Steve, "I'm saving you, Steve. I'm saving everyone from the monster that I am" Steve shook his head "your not a monster, Buck. You know that, you were brainwashed James, you and The Winter Solider are two completely different people"

The blonde stepped closer "please, don't do this" Steve voice was wobbly "give me one god damn reason that I shouldn't?!" Bucky all but yelled at the Captain, "please, James, let me help you" his voice was full of fear, tears welling in his eyes "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?!!" He shouted at the blonde "WHY DO I MEAN THIS MUCH TO YOU?!" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!" Silence fell, Bucky's jaw dropped, his eyes widened, did he really just say that? "You-you do?" Bucky asked the Captain, he nodded "since I was sixteen years old" his voice barely a whisper.

At that moment, Bucky felt something. Like... He didn't want to give up anymore, he felt a sense of purpose and longing, he didn't know that these feelings were inside him, he felt a reason to fight, even though he just realized it, he loved Steve too.

his body grew weak, his hands started shaking, the gun fell out of his now lowered hand and landed on the mattress, he stumbled towards Steve, the blonde embracing him in a crushing hug,  the burnett began sobbing into the Captains shirt, he didn't care in the slightest "nothing can hurt you anymore, your safe now, your home, and I'm with you till the end of the line, I love you" the blondes words were calming and soft, his sweet whispers filled his head, home, Steve was his home, no one could changing his mind.

"I love you too" the words fell out of his mouth, hardly audible, but Steve knew what he said, Bucky felt Steve lifting his body off the ground bride style, he was carried out of the room and into Steve's room.

The blonde placed the burnett on the left side of his bed, he slipped his jacket off and let it fall to the floor, he lay down next to Bucky and pulled him close, holding him gently, not wanting to let go, allowing the burnett to bury his face in his chest, Bucky wrapped his arms around the the Captain's waist, knowing that Steve would be there for him forever and always, he felt a soft kiss on head as he drifted off into sleep.

A/N I know its been an eternity since the last chapter, but here you go, hope you enjoyed 💜

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