Alternate Endgame AU *Version 2*

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Bucky's POV

"If you want, I can come with you" Sam said to Steve as they walked over to the time machine, "you're a good man Sam, but this ones on me" he said before walking towards me.

"Dont do anything stupid till I get back".

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you".

He came closer and gave me a kiss, it was soft, short and caring, he broke off and buried his face in my neck.

"I'll see you soon. I love you" he whispered "I love you too" I whispered back and he turned away from me and stepped onto the time machine.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked Bruce, "for him as long as he needs for us only five seconds"

Bruce pushed some buttons and flipped switches, preparing for departure, "Going quantum in 3, 2, 1" fla-whip! And he was gone.

"Returning in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."


"Where is he?" Sam asked "I don't know he should be back by now" "bring him the hell back!"

The machine flashed and sparked and a person came out and fell backwards, I knew it was Steve, me and Sam rushed around to help him, we immediately stooped when we saw him.

He was tiny again, the quantum suit hanging off his body, Sam was confused but I smiled, this was the Steve I fell in love with, don't get me wrong I loved him big and muscular but I always missed this version of him. I walked over to him, he was on his hands and knees panting like mad from exhaustion.

I sat in front of him and tilted his head up with my hand he looked at me with shocked eyes, "uuuhh, heh, um" I chuckled "there he is" we chuckled and I took him into my arms, he fit perfectly against me. Just like it used to. He pulled away to look me in the eyes, I moved forward and kissed him slowly and softly, we cut it short when Sam interrupted us.

"Cap? What happened?" He turned to Sam and smiled "malfunctioned while I was coming out, I guess it turned me back to before the serum" the broad man with kind eyes nodded in understanding, Steve moved out of my lap and picked up the shield not to far away from us.

He handled it to Sam, "I feel like you've earned this" Sam looked surprised, "Steve I don't know-" "Sam, for as long as I've known you, you've shown that you can be a leader, so be one, take it" the brown eyed man hesitated but eventually he gave in and took the shield from Steve, Steve shook his hand and smiled proudly at Sam.

"We can change you back if you want to, Steve" Bruce offered and Steve looked at me, "its your choice, Stevie. I'll be happy either way" he smiled and nodded.

"No thanks, Bruce. I'll stay like this" he said before he looked back at me, I walked over to him and gave him a hug, I held him tight against me, never wanting to let go.

"Um, Bucky you're squishing me" he said and I completely let go "oh, sorry" "it's okay" I grabbed his hand and lifted it up to kiss the back of it, happy that he was just here with me.

Two years later

I held Steves hand tightly, because any minute now, we're gonna be fathers.

"I'm nervous, Bucky" "me too, Steve. I just want you to know, that no matter what happens, I'll always love you, your my husband and I'll be there for you, I love you" he smiled and I felt his hand relax in mine.

"the Rogers Barnes's?" we looked up and in the arms of a short raven haired nurses arms was a little baby, our baby.

"Do you two want to meet your daughter?" Oh my god, we have a girl!!!!

Steve walked up to the nurse and she handed him the baby, he began to tear up, "hi there, we've been waiting to meet you. Hello baby girl, hello" he cooed to her.

I wrapped my arms around Steves waist and looked at our baby, she was so tiny, her skin was pink and her eyes were closed, Steve turned around and I let go of his waist, "you wanna hold her? I think she wants to see daddy" I didn't answer, I just looked at the ground "c'mon, you're not gonna break her, take her" I hesitated but I finally reached out and Steve passed the baby to me.

She looked so small in my large arms, I used my flesh hand to gently stroke her cheek, my finger traced to her hand and she grabbed my finger.

"Stevestevesteve she's got my finger what do I do???" "Just stay calm, you've got her".

We named her Sarah, she lived a happy life, her uncle's and aunts visited regularly, we were happy, all three of us.

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