❤Happy Valentines day❤

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A/N I know I have other things to write, but I really wanted to do a Valentines day chapter soooo here it is, enjoy!

Post serum

Steve's POV

"Tasha I can't do this" the red head was helping me ask Bucky to be my Valentine, my nerves had gotten the best of me so I was close to chickening out, but she didn't let that get in the way of our plan, "oh for gods sake Rogers, you have all the courage in the world but when it comes to fights and righteousness but when its things like this you get scared" she stated a little bit annoyed "I'm not used to this stuff, give me a break" I argued back at her, she folded her arms looking like a kid without chocolate.

"He's your best friend Steven, since you guys where like seven and you guys had a secret relationship in the late 30's, you fought along side each other in WW2, how in the world would he say no to his long life friend and lover?" She drained my chance of a good response so I was silent for at least a minute "okay first of all: Touché, and second: he's been brainwashed and tortured for so long, what if he's not the same person I fell in love with?" "Well, we're about to find out" she literally shoved me into the living room of the compound where Bucky was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, I took a deep breath before giving one last glance at Nat, she waved her hand signaling me to keep going, another deep breath and I sat down next to him.

He noticed my presence and put down the newspaper on the table in front of him, "hey" I said, is that all I can say? Real smooth Rogers, real smooth, "hey" he said back "you got a Valentine yet? Have you asked Sharon out?" Hell no I thought to myself, Sharon Carter kissing me from how it felt was really gross, I only kissed back because I'm a gentleman and its kinda second nature for me, "umm, uh, no uh, speaking of uh, Valentines day I---" my breath hitched, I'm begging to shake, I'm starting to panic, this wasn't going to work.

Nat's POV

I faced palmed, he was not good at this, I kept my distance so Barnes wouldn't see me but I could still see the situation, he was shaking sh*t he's panicking, uhhh oh god this isn't going to end well.

Bucky's POV

Steve looks nervous, he was shaking and his breath is hitching, I wonder what's wrong? Til' I get my answer, I need to calm him down. "Hey, Stevie you okay?" I asked as I placed my hand on top of his.

Steve's POV

I. F**king. Froze. His hand is on mine and I don't know what to do ask him, ask him, ASK HIM! the voice in my head yells, I try to shut it out but it won't go away and before I knew it I was speaking without intending to "Bucky Barnes will you be my Valentine??" The words rushed out of me, his eyes widened, I prepare myself for rejection, this is it, this is the moment he tells you he doesn't love you and that he hates you but instead............. He KISSED ME!

3rd person POV

Bucky didn't even hesitate he just leaned in and kissed Steve Rogers, the blonde was almost too shocked to kiss back, but after a few seconds he returned the affection and wrapped his arms around the burnettes waist, Bucky's going around Steve's neck, Nat realizing that Steve didn't need her and she walked away pulling out her phone to text everyone, all of the Avengers shipped it, sue them.

Meanwhile, Steve and Bucky had ended the kiss gasping for air, Steve was star struck and Bucky was staring in awe at the blonde, "woah" they both said in unison before chuckling "after all these years you're still a good kisser" Steve spoke, Bucky smiled "not to bad yourself doll" Steve smiled wider, Bucky would call him that back in the late 30's, he was surprised he still remembered the nickname, "so I'm assuming this is a "yes" for my question before?" Steve said shyly, Bucky kissed his nose "of course it is" the burnett kissed Steve again but this time more gentle than the last one, after the separated Bucky looked into the blonde's baby blue's that he fell in love with all those years ago, "I love you Steve, I love you so much" the burnett said as their foreheads pressed together "I love you too Buck" he whispered to the burnett. It was true, he did love Bucky, and he always will, in life and death, forever and always "so?" Bucky asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence, "what shall we do for Valentine's day?".

A/N happy Valentines day to all the couples out there, if you're not in a relationship, happy normal day to you. Personally, I think Valentines day is cool and all but I believe you should love your partner everyday instead of leaving it to one day of the year, you have your opinion and I'll have mine, I hope you enjoyed this! 💜

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