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Amy: *Laying awake in bed* Lisa, are you asleep yet?

Lisa: Yes.

Amy: Oh, Okay, I won't bother you then.

[A few minutes later]

Amy: Wait a second


Katherine: What are you doing in my room??

Dani: Snooping around.

Katherine: You can't do that!

Dani: I can do anything I want; I'm cute.   


Dani: It's dark, I'm scared.

Lisa: Don't worry, I got this.

Lisa: *Stomps foot, sketchers light up*


Christina: Lisa, why are you sitting on top of a Christmas tree?

Lisa: Because I'm a star, Christina.


Dani: It's dark in here.


Dani: It's not like I'm scared or anything, though.


Dani: Nope, not me. I'm Dani Cimorelli. I'm not scared of anything at all. Not even the dark.

Lauren: Do you want me to hold your hand?

Dani: Yes, please. 

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