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Dani: Whoever took my cookies, come forward and you will be forgiven.






Dani: Smart, you knew I would never forgive you.


Amy: Quick! To the panic room!

Lisa: Our house doesn't have a panic room!

Amy: Any room is a panic room if you panic hard enough!


Lauren: Dani and I have that special type of bond where we finish each other's-

Dani: -sentences.

Lauren: Please don't interrupt me.


Lisa: [To the rest of the girls] Okay. I know you're mad, but before you say anything, yes, I screwed up. And yes, you warned me. And yes, Idon't know where I'm going with this. But I do know this: I have reached the end of my sentence.


*Dani with Katherine*

Dani: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonalds!

Katherine: We have food at home.

Dani: Awww.    

*Dani with Lisa*

Dani: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonalds!

Lisa: *Pulls into drive thru*

Dani: *Cheers*

Lisa: One black coffee, please.

*Dani with Lauren*

Dani: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonalds!

Lauren: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonalds!

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