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Lisa: (On the Phone) Hey, Chris, do you have $2,500?

Christina: What do you need $2,500 for?

Lisa: An escape room.

Christina: What escape room costs that much?

Lisa: ...Jail.


Lauren: (Slides a photo across the table to an assassin) I want you to shoot this person in the leg.

Assassin: ...This is a picture of you...?

Lauren: Katherine wants me to learn a tiktok dance with her.


Dani: *Looking out the window pensively*

Amy: She looks so thoughtful I wonder what she's thinking about.

Dani:(Internally) Why isn't 11 pronounced onety-one?


Amy: We're a great team because we're so different.

Katherine: True, because I'm always right and you're always wrong.


Lisa: I don't have time for this. 

Christina: For what?

Lisa: Points at Cimorelli

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