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Katherine: How would you describe your life?

Lisa: It's like when you try to make an omelette and mess it up and end up with scrambled eggs, but it's okay cuz those are good, too I guess.


Dani: You're not my friend, Lauren!

Lauren: What?

Dani: You're my sister, and no matter how mean you are, I'll always love you.

Lauren: [tears up and hugs Dani]

Christina: We're all still here, you know.


Katherine: We need to think. How do we usually get out of these messes?

Dani: We don't.

Amy: Yeah, We usually just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one.


Lisa: Dani, do you love me?

Dani: Of course, Lise!

Lisa: Even if I did something bad?

Dani: Yes-

Lisa: Even if I did something really really-

Dani: What did you do?

Lisa: ... I ate all of the doritos...


Lisa: And the cheetos.

Dani: ...

Dani: I can't even look at you right now.


Amy: I have a plan!

Lauren: Alright, count me out.

Amy: You haven't even heard the plan yet!

Lauren: See how I've learned?

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