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Dani: Once I'm off this diet, I'm gonna eat 3 family size bags of Cheetos all by myself in one sitting.

Christina: You can't do that, that's impossible.

Dani: I'm not a big believer in 'impossible'. God? yes. Unicorns? maybe. But Impossible? No.

Christina: Start hunting unicorns, your chances are better.

Dani: You don't hunt Unicorns, what's the matter with you?!


Lisa: Katherine, answer the question!

Katherine: No! I don't want to.

Amy: Come on! Between Me, Lauren, and Lisa, if you had to -IF YOU HAD TO- Who would you punch in the face?

Katherine: I'm not answering this question! You're all my sisters, and I love all of you. 


Lauren: It's Lisa isn't it?

Katherine: ... Yeah, but I don't know why!


Christina: What are you guys arguing about this time?

Amy: She's using common phrases incorrectly!

Lisa: Cry me a table, Amy!


Amy: Is Dani always like this when she loses?

Lauren: Oh yeah, You should've been here for The Great Jenga Tantrum of 2013.



Lisa: I made Tea.

Katherine: I don't want any Tea.

Lisa: I didn't make this for you. This is my Tea.

Katherine: Then why are you telling me?

Lisa: It's a conversation starter.

Katherine: That's a lousy conversation starter.     

Lisa: Oh is it? What are we doing right now? Conversing. Checkmate.

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