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Amy: Dani, I'm sad.

Dani: Don't be sad, because sad backwards is das.

Dani: ... And das not good.

Amy: *Facepalms*


Lauren: Sometimes I drink the milk staright out of the container.

Lisa: *Looks panicked* THE COW?!

Lauren: Lisa-


Christina: I don't have a favorite sister. I love and care for them all equally.

Katherine: Yesterday when I cut my finger and cried in pain, you told me to shut up!

Christina: Well you were crying like a little baby!


Lauren: Can you not sit so close to me, Lisa? You're making me feel claustrophobic.

Lisa: What does Claustrophobic mean?

Dani: It means she's scared of Santa Claus.

Lauren: No it doesn't-

Lisa: Ho Ho Ho!

Dani: Stop it Lisa you're scaring her!!


Amy asking literally anyone for the smallest favor: 

Hey could you help me with this thing? Absolutely no pressure though. Totally okay if you can't. If you'd rather run me over with a car that's cool. Are you mad at me?


Hey yall whats up How's Life whass poppin?

So I've thought long and hard about this (And by that I mean I just came up with this plan like 10 minutes ago) ((It's one in the morning where I'm at I get all my best ideas in the night cuz I'm a mess and I  never sleep)) and I've decided I'm going to make a cimorelli meme book. I'll find memes different places and put them into a book, and I'll give credit to whoever made the memes where I find them, they won't be made by me. I'll continue this book too, though. So keep an eye out for that on my page! :) Love you guys! CimFam4life!

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