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Amy: It's times like this when I wish I had listened to what Christina told me.

Lisa: Why? What did she say?

Amy: I don't know, I wasn't listening.


Lauren: *Tapping on the counter*

Dani: *Taps back furiously*

Katherine: What are they doing?

Christina: They learned Morse Code so they could talk crap without anyone knowing.

Lauren: ..--- ...-  .-...-. .---.


Katherine: They sound happy.   


[Looking at the stars]

Lisa: What are you thinking about?

Lauren: I'm naming the stars after people I love.

Lisa: Do I get a star?

Lauren: You get the sun.


Amy: I'm going to drink all my sorrows away.

Amy: *Stabs a straw into a Capri-Sun*


[Christina teaching Dani how to drive]

Christina: Okay, Amy and Katherine walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?

Dani: Oh, definitely Katherine. I could never hurt Amy.

Christina: *rubbing her temples* The brakes, Dani, you hit the brakes. 

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