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[Air horn sound]

[Second air horn sound]

Lisa: This isn't deodorant...


Lauren: When I asked you to bring me back something from the beach, Imeant like a Sea Shell!

Dani: [struggling to hold a seagull] Well say THAT then!


Christina: GIRLS ENOUGH! I'm getting really tired of your guys' crap, okay?! Every single one of you- Not you, Amy, you're an angel and we're very glad you're here- needs to get your crap together! Okay?


Amy: I hate when people say that you're too young to be in love. Let me remind you that when Romeo and Juliet met, Romeo was 16 and Juliet was 13.

Katherine: Amy, 6 people died and it lasted 3 days.


Lisa: [Blows Lauren a kiss from across the room]

Lauren: [Catches it]

Lauren: [Walks over to the window and throws it out] Grow up, Lisa. 

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