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Katherine: Are you okay? You look like you didn't get any sleep last night.

Dani: Are you kidding? I got a solid eight minutes!

Dani: I mean, not consecutively, but still.

Dani: You aren't that blurry.


Dani: I would do anything for you, Amy.

Amy: Admit my hair is better than yours.

Dani: ... I would do almost anything for you, Amy.


Kidnapper: [One the phone] We have your daughter.

Christina: ... I don't have a daughter..?

Kidnapper: [Obviously frustrated] Then who just asked for a Juice Box and made us cut the crust off of her PB&J while quoting Spongebob?

Christina: Oh no.

Kidnapper: What?

Christina: You have Lisa, my sister. 

Kidnapper: Well, regardless, You'll see her again only if I get $100,000 and- 

Christina: You'll bring her back.

Kidnapper: I-What?

Christina: You won't be able to handle her. You'll bring her back. I give it 4 hours.


Katherine: What are you bringing to the party?

Lauren: My negative attitude and sparkling personality.


Lisa: I love you so much.

Lauren: Aww, I love you too!  

Lauren: Wait... you were talking to your new sunglasses, weren't you?

Lisa: ... I can love two things!

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