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Dani: C'mon, how many times do I have to apologize to you??

Lisa: ONCE!



Dani: No.


Lauren: Brute force won't solve anything here. Time to use more sophisticated methods.

Amy: Like what?

Lauren: ... Call Christina.


Katherine: Don't lie to me.

Lisa: I'm not! I wasn't up all night!

Katherine: I was woken up by you clapping along to the 'friends'  theme song every 20 minutes!!


Dani: Yesterday I yote my water bottle across the school hallway.

Christina: ... Did you just use 'yeet' in past tense?


Amy: I AM SO MAD AT YOU RIGHT NOW. Oh, you're gonna hear it now, missy!!

Amy: [Walks out of the room]

Amy: [Comes back carrying a chair, climbs on it so she is face level with Lauren]

Amy: Now listen here you little- 

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