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Lauren: Ugh, I feel like I look like crap today.  

Lisa: No, STOP. You are a marvelous Chocolate Chip Pancake in a Sea of Burnt Waffles.


Lauren: [Tearing up] That's The nicest thing anyone's ever said to me-


Dani: Making my way downtown

Dani: Walking fast


Dani: Walking a little slower so my steps match with Amy's because she's short.


Amy: I failed my safety course test today.

Katherine: Why? What Happened?

Amy: Well, one of the questions was "In case of a Fire, what steps would you take?"

Katherine: And...?

Amy: Apparently "REALLY DARN BIG ONES" wasn't the right answer.


Christina: Alright everyone, listen up! Pay attention, I have an announcement to make and I only have one minute.

Katherine: Why? Are you in a hurry?

Christina: What? No, I was referring to Lisa and Dani's incredibly short attention span. 


Lauren: Hello?! Police?! There's an extremely good looking woman in my house!!

Dispatch: Okay, ma'am can you-

Lauren: Wait a minute. Cancel that, it's just my reflection.

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