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[During Christina's wedding reception]

Dani: [ Walks up to mic]

Dani: [Taps on it]

[Everyone smiles]

Dani: Anyone that doesn't want their cake, pass it to me please. Thanks!


Lauren: Studies show that I am cute.

Christina: Sources?

Lauren: Myself.


Dani: Lauren is going on vacation, so while she's gone I'm going to cut off all of the sleeves on my shirts.

Amy: Why?

Dani: She's pretty much 85% of my impulse control.


Lisa: What if you kept a horse mask on your face 24/7 while raising a child and they thought they were raised by a human-horse hybrid and never knew any different and then one day you take the mask off?

Amy: ...That's actually kind of a good idea!

Katherine: Stop.


Lisa: I laugh in the face of danger.

Dani: You cried for 45 minutes and begged Christina not to leave you. Lauren had to go to the store to get you ice cream.

Lisa: That was ages ago.

Katherine: That was last week at Christina's wedding!!

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