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Lauren: My middle name is impulsive.

Christina: Nice try, Laur.  Everyone knows your middle name is Christine.


Dani: Why does Katherine always put the dishes away so loudly?

Amy: To remind us that no one else helps in the kitchen.


Lisa: Always expect the unexpected.

Lisa: [Pushes Katherine into a wall] 

Katherine: Hey!

Lisa: You weren't expecting that, huh?


Dani: Would you punch me in the face for one million dollars?

Lauren: I would round-house kick you for free...


Lisa: Dang, it sucks that Summer is ending.

Christina and Amy: Do you hear that? It's the sound of Christmas.


Hi guys so I haven't really talked to you guys before; so hey,  How ya doin'? How's life treating you? Are you excited for Christmas? 

I'm extremely happy right now because I ordered merch from Cimorelli and it just got here today and I'm psyched! It's super comfy. Go to Cimorellimusic.com/store and cop some of this merch! It's great guys. 

I wanna get to know you guys also. Tell me about yourselves, why you love Cimorelli, if you have a favorite sister, your favorite song of theirs etc. 

Have a good night/day/afternoon/morning guys!!  

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