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Lisa: My mom might've raised an emotionally and socially awkward child with self-esteem issues, but SHE DIDN'T RAISE NO QUITTER!  


Katherine: (To Dani)Did you do something stupid?

Lauren and Dani: I think we all know the answer to that. 


Amy: [On the phone]Hey, Dan, what's up?

Dani: I'm sitting in a pool of blood.

Amy: Is it... your blood?

Dani: Yeah, I think so.

Amy: [Panicking] Do you know where it's coming from?!

Dani: Probably the stab wound.

Amy: [Hysterically] YOU'VE BEEN STABBED?!?! 

Dani: Oh, yeah, definitely.


Fan: what's it like being Lauren's sister?

Christina: One time, I asked her for a glass of water while she was mad at me. She brought me a glass of ice and said 'Wait.'


Dani: Can we go get ice cream?

Lisa: Did you ask Christina?

Dani: She said no.

Lisa: Then why are you asking me?

Dani: Because she's not the boss of you.

Lisa: [Internally] it's a trap.

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