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Christina: [Storming into Lisa's room] Lisa! You didn't pay the power bill?! Are you serious?!

Lisa: [Strums her guitar] When you're lights don't work like they used to before-

Christina: Lisa, I'm going to strangle you.


Dani: I'm an excellent secret keeper! I've kept all our secrets.

Lauren: What secrets?

Dani: Oh no, Lauren, I'm not going to tell you because I'm an excellent secret keeper!

[Katherine walks away]

Lauren: You'll tell me later?

Dani: You already know.


Katherine: Hey! That's not fair! I'm a really good cook!

Amy: Kath, offering people gum is not cooking.


Dani: I did a push-up today.

Christina: Really? Good job.

Dani: Well, I actually fell down, BUT I had to use my arms to get back up, so.


Lauren: [Highlights and entire page of notes]

Lisa: You're only supposed to highlight the important things, Laur.

Lauren: [Draws a line on Lisa's arm with the highlighter]

Lisa: Why'd you do that?!

Lauren: Because you're important to me.

Lisa: [Tearing up] Awww

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