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Amy: If Dani, Lisa, and I were all drowning, who would you save?

Lauren: You idiots can't even swim?

Lisa: It's a hypothetical question, Laur.

Amy: Who would you save?

Lauren: My time and effort.


Dani: Don't correct me!

Christina: Don't be wrong!


Katherine: Thanks for getting us donuts, Lisa.

Lisa: That's bold of you to Assume I was going to share. 


[At Disneyland, on the teacup ride]

Lauren and Lisa: [Spinning calmly and talking]

Amy and Dani: [flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming]


Katherine: Dani, NO!

Dani: DANI YES! 

Lauren: Dani, No!

Dani: Dani, MAYBE!

Christina: Dani, no.

Dani: Dani, no...

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