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Lisa: Don't go into the living room.

Katherine: Why?

Lisa: I saw a Spider.

Katherine: Did you kill it?

Lisa: I have two arms and it has eight, that's not a fair fight


Christina: Guys, I just got a new notebook. What should I put in it?

Lisa: Put Spaghetti in it!

Christina: I'm taking suggestions from anyone else.

Amy: Put Spaghetti in it!

Christina: I'm taking suggestions from anyone but you two.

Lauren and Dani at the same time: Put Spaghetti in it!

Christina: I am no longer taking suggestions.




You know you don't have to sign your name on texts.


Dear Lauren: Suggestion noted.

Sincerely, Amy.


Dani: Why aren't Koalas considered bears?

Lisa: Because they're marsupials.

Dani: Because they don't have the koalifi- what?


Lauren: So what's the pan for tonight?

Dani: Are you sure you wanna talk about the P-A-R-T-Y in front of the B-U-Z-Z-K-I-L-L?

Christina: [Sarcastically] Boy, in times like this I sure wish I could spell.

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