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Amy: [Texting] How do tall people like you possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?

Katherine: Amy, it's three in the morning.

Amy: So you can't sleep huh?

Amy: Is it because of the blanket?


[Coming to shoot a video]

Lisa: Sorry I'm late I was.... doing... stuff.

Lauren: [Runs in looking noticably disheveled] SHE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FREAKING STAIRS!!!


Christina: You three. Explain. Now.

Lauren: It was Dani!

Amy: It was Dani!

Dani: It was Dani!

Dani: .....

Dani:  Dang it.


Dani: Be the bigger person!

Amy: NO! I'm 4'10" and bitter! YOU be the bigger person!


Lisa: Do you want to go get pasta with me?

Lauren: I already had an omelette, though.

Lisa: But did you have pasta? 

Lauren: Good point. Let's go!

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