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Lisa: Being on Youtube this long, with all the mean comments, you develop a thick skin.

Dani: Blue is not your color.



Katherine: If you have 6 apples, and you give half of them to a friend, what do you have?

Amy: [Through tears] a friend.


[OKAY REAL QUICK: I know Lauren isn't a lesbian (sadly) I just think this is funny and I could see this happening with her, okay? Please don't hate lol]

Lauren: [Texting] I'm a lesbiab.

Lauren: Lesbiam

Lauren: Les Bien

Christina: It's okay, take your time.

Lauren: Girls.


Lisa: What would make you feel better?

Amy: [Shrugs]

Lisa: Do you want a cookie?

Amy: [Nods]


Katherine: You look happy. Let me guess, your sandwich fell on the floor at the restaurant, and they gave it to you for free?

Lauren: No. Can you do that?? Why doesn't everyone just drop their sandwiches on the floor?

Katherine: I was trying to insult you. 

Lauren: And instead, you gave me an amazing life-hack! Thanks, Kath!

Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading this story, I'm glad you're all enjoying it :) I have a question, though. If I were to write a Cimorelli preferences/imagines book, would y'all read it? It's just a thought I had. Let me know. Love you guys!  

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