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[In a competition] 

[Christina, Amy and Katherine vs. Lauren, Dani, and Lisa]

Katherine: All of our snacks are organic.

Lauren: That's nice. [Looks over to see Lisa and Dani eating candy off of the floor] 


Christina: You guys are idiots, did you know that?





Lauren: In our defense, we actually did know that.


Lisa: Look, I know that Katherine and Chrsitina aren't here, but There's no need to panic; I'm in charge.

Lauren: That's WHY we're panicking!


Dani: [Turning around in a chair] You've been avoiding me, Amy.

Amy: How did you know it was me without turning around?


Dani: Well, to be honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.


 Lisa: Oh my gosh! That guy at the counter is totally staring at you!

Christina: Really? [looks] Oh, he's really cute.

Lisa: Go for it.

Christina: Lisa, I have a husband!

Cute Guy: [To christina] Hi!

Christina: Oh, I'm very flattered but I have a husband.

Cute Guy: Wow! Uh, this is kind of embarrassing. I was actually coming over to talk to your friend.


Christina: Well you should be embarrassed. [leaves]

Cute Guy: [to Lisa] I thought you knew I was looking at you.

Lisa: I did, but that was really fun.

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