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Christina: You know, my eyes are in great shape. I do at least 468 eye rolls per day.


Dani: Are you okay?!

Lauren: [Crying] Yeah, it's just these onions

Dani: [Angrily to the onions] WHAT DID YOU SAY TO MY SISTER?!


Interviewer: What's your name?

Lisa: Lisa Cimorelli.

Interviewer: Okay, and how do you spell that? So that we can get it right.

Lisa: L as in Lisa, I as in Isa, S as in sa, and A as in 'Allo there mate!


Dani: Okay, I know that I made a slight mistake-

Amy: Whatever you're going to say, save it for ten seconds.

Dani: What happens in ten seconds?? 

Amy: Just hang on for another five seconds, and know that we've all been there at one point or another.

Dani: [Panicking] What happens in five seconds?!

Katherine: [Storming into the room] DANIELLE NICOLE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING-

Amy: [Pointing at Katherine] That.


[Trying to get Dani to take eyedrops]

Lauren: Okay, now this is just a practice, no drops. One, two, three...

Dani: [Quickly jerks her head away to avoid the eyedrops]

Lauren: You got my pillow all wet!!!

Dani: Well, you said it was practice!!

Lauren: Then why did you move your head?!

Dani: Because I knew you were lying!!

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