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[At Hogwarts]

Amy: *Goes up to the sorting hat*

Sorting hat: Hufflepuff!

Amy: I didn't even wear you, yet.

Sorting Hat: It's your first day and you're already making friendship bracelets.

Amy: It's never too early to start making memories!


Lisa: *Banging on door* Dani, open up!

Dani: Well, It all started when I was a little girl...

Lisa: No, I meant-

Lauren: Just let her finish. 


Dani: Honestly, I'm such a rebel. So full of rage. I strike fear into-

Lauren: You sleep with a stuffed giraffe.

Dani: don't you daRE INSULT GERRY!


Amy: Guys, we're out of candy.

Christina: What? Already? There's only been like three trick-or-treaters!

Amy: Yeah, I know, but one little girl told me she loved me so I just gave her all of the candy.


Katherine: I relate to Belle because she loves books and loves people for their soul.

Dani: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.

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