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Amy: Christina said to be home by half past 7, what time is it now?

Dani: Half past we're doomed.


Lisa: Guess what I'm doing tomorrow.

Katherine: Becoming a productive member of society?

Lisa: Pha, Kath, come on now.


Lauren: I think I pulled a muscle.

Christina: You can't pull what you don't have.


Lisa: You can never lose an argument if you say 'Shut up, nerd' at the end.

Lauren: Yes you can.

Lisa: Shut up, nerd.


Amy: *Crying*

Dani: What's wrong?? Why are you crying??

Lauren: Are you okay? Did someone make you cry? Who is it? I'll go take care of them if you want me to.

Lisa: *Grabbing a baseball bat* WHERE ARE THEY??!! I WILL NOT HESITATE!!     

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