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Dani: Do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows into my mouth?

Christina: You're a hazard to society.

Lisa: And a coward. Do twenty.


Lisa: Laur, why is everything so complicated?

Lauren: Well, I know I'm a bit of a broken record on this, but Mercury's in retrograde.

Lisa: Enough with the Astrology!


Lauren: Spoken like a two faced Virgo.


Katherine: Lauren's mad at me and I'm not clear on why.

Amy: Okay, were you talking before she got upset?

Katherine: Yes.

Amy: That's probably it.


Christina: Amy, please calm down.

Amy: To quote "Hamlet", act III; scene III; line 87; "No."


"I'm TRYING to love myself, but SOMEBODY *Glares at the mirror* is having a tantrum."

- Lisa, probably.

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