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Lauren: *Storms in angrily*

Katherine: What happened?

Lauren: Amy throws Lisa's phone out the window. Lisa tries to throw Amy out the window. The taxi driver throws us all out of the car.


Dani: GUYS! I'm 243 Cheetos tall!

Christina: Why did you measure yourself in Cheetos??

Dani: Because we're out of Doritos. *Glares at Lisa accusingly*


Lisa: I'm so tired of being treated like a child!

Katherine: 10 minutes ago you were drinking a Juice Box and watching Spongebob.

Lisa: Spongebob is an amazing show with top quality humor, okay?

Amy: [From the couch in front of the TV] DANG RIGHT IT IS!!


Lauren: Why are you putting on Sunblock?

Lisa: Because I don't want to get sunburnt.

Lauren: Lisa, we're not even outside...?

Lisa: You're my sunshine.

Lauren: [Voice cracking] Lisa...


Amy: [Lying in a hospital bed] Christina?

Christina: Yeah?

Amy: [crying] I don't want to die. 

Christina: For the last time, Amy, you're just here for an allergy test, you're not gonna die.

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