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[After Lisa and Dani have a fight]

Amy: Just talk to her! She's your sister.

Dani: Nope. I'm gonna wait until I'm on my death bed, then get the last word in, then die immediately. 

Amy: That's your plan for dealing with this?

Dani: That's my plan for dealing with everything. I have 77 arguments that I'm going to win this way.

Amy: That's a terrible idea.

Dani: Now I have 78.


Lisa: Right now, someone is giving birth to a baby.

Christina: ...

Lisa: Right now, someone just clogged a public toilet and is running out of the stall as fast as they can.

Lisa: Life goes on.

Christina: ...

Christina: I really hope that wasn't the same person...


Amy: You can't just say no! 

Katherine: No! no. no! no no no no no! No, no, and no.

Amy: Okay well you can...


[At a Christmas party]

Random Guy: Hey, is that mistletoe?

Lauren: No... that's Basil.

Random Guy, laughing: Okay, because if it was Mistletoe I was going to kiss you.

Lauren: haha yeah... it's still Basil.


Lisa: read my thoughts.

Dani: I don't know how to do that.

Lisa: Yes you do. Ready?

Dani: Fine.

Dani: [Looks into Lisa's eyes] Waffles?

Lisa: Oh my gosh that's crazy!! That's exactly what I was thinking! Okay wait it was just a test. again. Ready?

Dani: ...Still Waffles.

Lisa: Dang it!! Okay, one more time!

Christina, walking into the room: ... Why are you guys staring at each other?

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