Meeting him

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Thomas POV

  It's my second day here, and I'm already hating it. How do these kids live like this? I didn't get any sleep last night. Just stayed up, and watched the sun rise. I watched Minho and Ben run into the maze at dawn, and everyone else waking up shortly after. Alby came over to my hammock early on and showed me the rest of the glade. He told me that there would be a bonfire for me arriving, which is pretty cool. But He was always on my mind... I feel something for him, sympathy really, but maybe something else. Unfortunately no one will tell me what happened.
I really want him to wake up, so I can see him for myself. So after Alby let me go do whatever I wanted before breakfast, I went back to the house, which I found out is called the homestead. I creeped in, listening to Clint talking to Gally.
"Listen shank, he'll wake up soon, you can't just do something like that to wake him!"
"Why not?! It might work!"
"Gally, you can't wake someone out of a coma by stopping their breathing!"
Gally huffs and walks out angrily, I hid before he could see me.
  What the hell? Gally wants to kill Newt?!
   I'll keep an eye on him. Clint walks out too, and I sneak in, staring at him again. I end up sitting next to him, sleep overtaking me and soon enough, I drifted off.
    It's about late afternoon when I wake up, and I'm staring down into beautiful deep chocolate eyes that are looking up at me. I had to blink a few times before I realized who I was looking at. I got up and grinned.  He cracked a tiny side smile and sat up.
"N-newt?" I asked, while he nodded and rubbed his eyes with his fists. "Are you ok?"
He nods again and looks at me. I smile and stare at his face. He licks his lips and runs a hand through his hair, fixing it away from his face.
  Oh but he's so pretty..
"I'm ok, what's your name Greenie?" I stay silent for a second... Oh my god he's British.
"Uh.... I don't remember yet." I say, laughing nervously.
"Aw, it's ok, you'll remember soon."
Minho bursts in and immediately comes over and hugs Newt tight. "Oh my god! Blonde, it's been a fucking month!"
"Sorry Min Min, Missed you too." Newt replied, smiling.
I chuckled, Min Min, that's adorable.. But a month?? He's been unconscious for a month?! What the hell happened? I stay silent, watching how happy Minho was. Then Alby and Clint came in, and all took turns hugging him and asking how he was.
    Soon they all left, and I sat back down next to him.
"There's a bonfire later Newtie, you want to come?"
He smiled a little, but he also seemed sad.
"Yea, sure. Will you help me?" He asked embarrassed.
"Of course."
He slides out of the bed and leans heavily on me. I knew better than to ask him what happened, so I'll ask Alby or Minho later. We made it halfway out to the pit, before he basically collapsed into my arms.
"Oh no, are you ok?"
"Sorry... I'm fine.." He muttered.
"Your not, lemme help."
I knew he would probably fight me, so I just picked him up, and carrying him in my arms to the pit. He was insanely light, as if he was lighter then air. He huffed but didn't object. I set him down on a log and plopped down next to him. Alby and Minho started the fire and Fry brought out dinner. I was eating slowly, but kept glancing at the blonde boy sitting next to me. No wonder he's so tiny, there's only grapes that he's picking at.
"Newtie, you need to eat!" I said stubbornly while he shrugged.
  "I'm not hungry."
"You mister, need food."
Minho called over to me, "Don't bother Greenie, he never eats much."
  I huff and hid a yawn, looking over at him. He seems spaced out, then leans his head on my shoulder. I smile and move some stray strands of hair from his face. Then it hits me...
"Thomas...." I said quietly while he looked up at me, "Thomas! That's my name!"
I felt myself smile, and he returns it.
"Love that name, Tommy."
I smile even bigger at his nickname for me.
"Nice to meet ya Ugly shank." Minho calls to me.
I roll my eyes while Newt defends me, "Minho, shut up, he's not."
I smile at Newt, and Minho shuts up. I look around, listening to small talk and crickets while I try to remember anything from before. But sleep overtakes me and I start to drift off to sleep. My head must've slipped onto Newt's, because I jumped and realized he's snoring quietly on my shoulder. I hid a smile and got up, carrying him to the back homestead.
  When I set him down, his pant leg lifted up and I saw his leg. It's all black and blue, as if some terrible accident happened. I can't help but look a little more and pull it up, showing bruises that I didn't notice earlier. I sigh to myself and walk out to my own hammock, really wanting to find out what happened. And maybe.. just maybe.. kiss him.
    At dawn I wake up to Minho complaining about something, as usual it appears. Turns out he's ranting to Alby about something. I roll my eyes and sneak back to the homestead. I swear he's haunting my thoughts. But I creep in and smile, he's sleeping in an awkward position, and I can see his torso, his shirt all twisted around his chest. I felt my face warm, and my hands got sweaty. I frowned to myself and sat on the foot of the bed, playing with my hands while catching glances at him. I must have spaced out, and don't realize Minho creeping in on me.
"Whaaaaat are you doing?" He asked, smiling annoyingly.
I jump and fall off the bed, looking at Minho. "What do you mean? I'm just looking after him!"
  He crosses his arms and smirks. "That looked more like staring then looking after him!"
"No no, I'm just making sure he's ok!" I reply frantically, glaring at him hoping he'd believe me.
"If you say so." He shrugs and rolls his eyes, leaving with a quiet huff.
   I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he didn't ask anymore questions. I calm my heart down and realize there's drool on my shirt. "Shit..." I mutter, and wipe my face and shirt. I look up at those piercing brown eyes of his and grin.
"Hey Newtie." He tries to return the smile, but grimaces instead and sits up, looking down.
"Morning Tommy."
"You okay?"
He nods and stifles a yawns, running a hand through his hair again, as it somehow always falls into his eyes.
"I'm fine." He said, getting up and limping heavily outside.
"You shouldn't be walking." I said, following him and laying a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm ok, don't worry." He insists, starting to walk away again, but I huff and pick him up anyway, carrying him to the glade, and setting him down by the gardens.
"You don't have to carry me Tommy, I'm fine."
Alby walks by quickly, speaking before I could object Newt's false statement. "Nice to see you up Blonde, Thomas, time for you to find a job."
I roll my eyes and follow him. For most of the day, I tried out different jobs, but end up mostly working in the gardens, which is good,  because I can keep an eye on Newt. For multiple reasons.. especially because I'm worried that Gally might try something after what he said yesterday. But he mostly just rested, so I'm good. Evening came by and I was exhausted. And I barely even did anything!
  I just went to the hammocks and crawled in. But I twisted and turned, listening to the sound of trees rustling and crickets chirping. But I gave up and went to the homestead, curling myself up next to Newt. I got warm and cozy next to him, resting my head on his chest. I hope he doesn't mind....

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