I want you

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Thomas POV

~ A few days later~

"Let me guess.." Minho said loudly, breaking the silence of dinner, pointing to Sonya and Harriet. "You two are still virgins."
Harriet just went back inside her tent, while Sonya stayed quiet and went red. Minho's eyes went wide and he laughed, holding up a cup full of booze Jorge had. "To the lovebirds!"
Andrew just laughed from across the table. "Oh Minho hush please, just because you haven't lost your v card doesn't mean you make fun of others."
Minho went silent as the table erupted into laughter, Newt ruffling Min's hair playfully.
"Well.. what about you two?" Aris asked innocently, smiling at me.
"What about us?" I asked, playing dumb.
"There's no way they've done it, do you see how tiny Newt is compared to him?" Minho said, laughing once again. "He'll be destroyed!"
"Minho!" Newt shrieked, hitting his shoulder hard, his cheeks growing red.
"Well I'm just saying! We'd all know the size difference is huge!"
"He is a foot taller, it's not that big." Sonya added in, smiling at her younger brother.
"Can you all leave me out of this?" Newt asked, his face in a permanent scowl.
"Yea yea," Minho said, trying not to laugh again.
"I'm not even listening." I chimed in, knowing they were probably right. Now that we're safe.. and happy.. I've wanted more, but I doubt he's ready...

"Hey Tommy?"
"Yea baby?"
"Do you think we'll be safe here?"
I looked down at him, who's curled up against me, his head laying gently on my chest in bed. "Why? Do you think we wouldn't?"
"No no.. I do.. It's just.. what if WICKED finds us and all.."
"Nah, it's been over a month my love, if they were to find us, they already would have, we're safe here." I sipped the cups of beer we had laying on the table beside us.
"Alright.." he said quietly, as if something else was on his mind.
"Ok, what are you thinking about?" I asked softly, playing with his hair, looking out at the sunset.
"I just.. I seem to have this bad feeling about all of this.. Yes.. Teresa and Brenda helped us escape but.. what if they turn on us?"
"Is that why you've been so quiet lately?" I asked.
He shrugged, "I guess.."
"You're overthinking." I said, pulling him even closer to myself, gently tracing his side. "Nothing will happen.."
"Promise?" He shivered at my touch, uttering a sigh.
"I promise," I lifted his chin so he'll look at me. "Same as before, when I said I'd keep you safe... everything will be ok."
"Ok.." He smiled, a genuine smile, and I couldn't help but kiss him softly. To feel his lips on mine, the taste of alcohol in the kiss. I pulled him close, getting deeper into it. My hand found its way into his hair, the other gripping his waist.
"I love you." He whispered quietly, breaking it only to breathe.
"I love you too baby.." I said breathlessly, looking at him, tracing a finger around his lips gently. Looking into his eyes, gently I kissed him again, pulling him almost on top of me.
I looked at him tenderly, my face inches from his, my voice hoarse from the kiss. "I want you.. oh god I want you..."
   "You have me."

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