Guess We'll Find out

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Thomas POV

A horn sounded and a truck plowed through the guards, ending up slamming into the helicopter.
"Hey there kiddo!" It was Jorge and Brenda.
"Get them out of here!" Ava yelled and turned back to the ship.
"Thomas!" Brenda yelled, as I looked at the loaded grenade and threw it at the ship. It blew, jerking the ship from its spot, along with a dozen guards and Janson fell off the edge of the mountain.
"Tommy let's go!" Newt said, pulling me away but instead I cupped his face and kissed him gently. I felt him kiss back. "What's this for?" He asked breathless.
"Because I love you." I said between kisses. I broke it quickly after, taking his hand and running towards the other end of the mountain.
"Hey guys! Little help here!" Minho yelled, getting attacked by three guards.
"Stay here!" I warned Newt, as I grabbed a fallen guard's gun and aimed at them, shooting down two as Minho stabbed the other.
"Thanks!" He said as I nodded in return. "Newt! Let's.."
He wasn't there.. Frantically I looked around and found him shooting down guards with Brenda and Jorge. Guess I underestimated him a bit..
"Thomas move it!" Aris yelled, getting everyone somewhere safe. I shot down a few guards and only heard an ear piercing scream. Whirling around, thinking it's Newt, I see Minho being shocked by tasers from a half a dozen guards.
"Minho! No!"
Newt and I raced over only to be pinned down by guards, "Minho!"
"Help me you idiots!" Minho yelled back, getting tased again and passing out.
"I got it." He said calmly as both guards fell off of me and Newt. He aimed a gun at the ship and shot it, a bomb going off as it started to lift off the ground. The last thing I see is Ava smiling as the doors closed and it took of into the night sky.
"Damn it!" Newt yelled, punching the ground while tears threatened to spill over.
"Newt shh.." I said, pulling him close. "We'll get him back, I promise." He wrapped his arms around me, as I rocked him gently. "It'll be ok.."
"I promise."

Hours later the sun started to rise, and everyone gathered the remaining things, food, tents, supplies.. There wasn't much.. Everything was burned or broken. We were able to put out the fires with water from the pond and Mary somehow had a fire extinguisher?
   "They would have taken Minho to the Last City," Brenda said quietly, eating an apple. "But it's completely guarded by walls."
  "So?" Newt said next to me, his arms crossed angrily. "We'll find a way in."
   "Not that simple, hermano." Jorge added, "They're impossible to get over, there's massive guns on top of them. Can't get around them, only through gates that very few could get through. That place is a whole goddamn fortress."
   "So we go under." Harriet said. "There must be tunnels or something."
   Newt nodded, "We have to find a way."
  "And we will." Mary added, making sure everyone was healing and wounds were cleaned and wrapped.
  "Tomorrow, we start north.. the injured stay here then head to the Safe Haven once they're healed." Jorge said, loading up the cars.
   "Can't we move now?" Newt asked quietly, his left arm gripping his right.
   "Let everyone breathe for a minute," Mary said, tapping her own arm quickly as Newt nodded. "I'll stay here."
  "I'm going with you." Sonya said, stepping forward.
  "Me too." Harriet added.
  "No, you stay." Newt said to Sonya. "Lizzie please, it's dangerous enough."
   "Don't even start little brother. I'm coming with and that is end of story."
   They bickered for a good half hour until Sonya gave in, saying she'd stay with Harriet and Mary to help the others.
  In total we have 5 people.. Fry, Me, Newt, Jorge, and Brenda. We hiked up and down the mountain all day, packing the jeep and Jorge's car with food, weapons and ammo. We were ready for a fight.

   The next day Newt woke me up early, shaking me like a glow stick. "Baby you up?"
  "I'm up.." I muttered, rolling over from my sleeping bag on the hard ground.
  "C'mon, we're leaving soon." He said quietly, as I heard muffled voices in the back, and smelled the smoke coming from the fire from last night. I groaned and got up, my head pounding from the rock for a pillow. I looked around, the sun already casting pink and orange into the dark sky lighting up the torched camp. I got up, getting a cup of tasteless coffee and bread from a food stash and handing it to Newt.
  "Thanks, but I'm not hungry Tommy." He said, hoisting a bag over his shoulder and putting a knife into his side pocket, pulling down on his sleeves.
  "Newt, baby, you have to eat.. your loosing weight faster then ever." I explained quietly, looking at how big his jeans had started to get on him.
  "I said I'm not hungry." He said, almost through clenched teeth, walking away from me and throwing the bag into the jeep.
  I heaved a sigh and bit into the bread anyways. I understand why he's so upset but I didn't expect that.
   "Everyone ready??" Jorge yelled over the camp, as shouts sounded back answering him. Anyone that came along headed back down the mountain and climbed into the cars.
  "Shotgun!!" Newt and Fry yelled at the same time, making anyone around burst out laughing. They looked at each other and raced to the car, Fry winning. I watched him limp after her, slamming into the car door laughing. For a few split seconds I wish I could see that smile every day of my life.
  "Fine.. you get it for now." Newt said, hopping in the back. I climbed next to him, linking my hand into his and we took off...

  We drove for hours upon hours driving, through mountainsides and deserts. There was almost nothing there.. besides a checkpoint.. Jorge and the others fell behind, so we'll go through it first.
  "Do we have to go through it?" Fry asked from the backseat as Newt and I slammed the doors to the jeep shut.
   "I don't know.. I just call shotgun." Newt said, Fry laughing behind me as he walked back to the car. I looked at the dark tunnel again and went back to the car. "We're going to regret this.."
  "Don't say that you'll jinx it!" Fry yelled at me and got into the drivers seat and starting the car again. I laced my hand into Newt's as we drove into the tunnel. It got dark fast, and there was nothing but still, dead, silence. Then it came.. An ear splitting shriek which made my blood run cold as I gripped Newt's hand so tight my knuckles went white.
  "Woah.." Newt muttered as Frypan stopped the car, holding a hand out to keep Newt from slamming into the dashboard. There was a person on the ground, eating another person..? It looked up at us, dead silent.
   "Fry.. take it slow.." I said, watching Newt roll up the window next to him.
   "Take it slow.." He repeated, driving slowly towards the... human.. creature.. crank..
  I leaned back in my seat a bit only to jump again as there was a woman standing next to my door. "Help me.." She begged, scratching her nails into the window. "Please.."
  Another one jumped at the other window, banging against the side of the door. Two more followed, banging on the car screaming hideously.
  "Floor it Fry!" I yelled over all the noise
  "Hold on!"
  Another woman slammed into the jeep door on the passengers side, her face was dirty and pale as ice, her hands covered in dried blood and dirt, her hair matted and dress ripped to shreds...
  Newt screamed and jumped, grabbing the gun from under the seat. "Go go!"
  Frypan floored it as we took off away from the ones before, but dozens more came out from the shadows and ran towards us. Some limped, some had missing limbs, half torn faces, mangled hair.. as if they were not even human. The car sped through them, throwing the bodies off or crushing them, hearing screams being cut short. One jumped onto the hood of the car and nearly punched through the window shield. Fry swerved off to the side, only for the wheel to slide off of something and the entire thing tip over.
  My head pounded.. my eyes blurry. Realizing what happened I kicked the door open and dragged myself out, only to hear gunshots and yelling.
  "Newt?" I called out, stumbling around until my eyesight cleared. I saw Newt laying on the ground in front of me, Frypan shooting any cranks that got close to us. "Newt!"
  "I'm fine.." He mumbled, dragging himself up and rubbing his head. "You ok?"
  "Yea, just my head." I said, grabbing my gun and shooting down a few around the car.
  "C'mon we have to go!" Fry yelled, as the three of us took off the opposite direction. They chased us, the screams never fading far behind. I made sure Newt was in front of me, what if he ever got bit? I'd loose my mind.. even more so with my nightmares.
  "Hey hermanos!" Jorge yelled, pulling up behind us, crushing many of the cranks that were chasing us.
  "You guys really fucked yourselves." Brenda called, sitting on the backside of the truck and shooting the remaining cranks as the three of us ran inside and shut the doors.
  "Just drive!" Fry yelled, as Jorge stepped on the gas and we drove the hell out of there, leaving hungry cranks and the car behind. Finally the tunnel ended and the light flooded my senses. I smelled the breeze once again and fell back into my seat.
  "What the hell happened in there?" Brenda asked, looking amused at us.
   "We got ambushed, and Fry is a terrible driver." Newt said, rubbing his arm a bit, but I didn't take much interest into it, he must have hit it.
  "Rude." Frypan added, rolling his eyes.
  "Well.. anything you want to say?" Brenda asked, her bob cut hair flying in her face as the wind blew through.
   "Thank you, for saving our asses." Newt said, just curling up into the seat a bit.
   "Welcome." She said, looking pleased with herself and sitting back. "Now we wait.. until we reach the last city."

~A day later~

  "Funny.. Spent three years trapped behind walls trying to break out.. now we're trying to break back in..." Newt said exasperated, his hands on his hips.
  "Yea.. hilarious." Jorge muttered sarcastically, pulling off his gloves.
   "Any idea how to get in Jorge?" I asked, staring at the city. It looks like something straight out of a fairytale book, the walls seeming miles high, impossible to break through.
   "Don't look at me, hermano, you'd have to talk to Lawrence, an old friend of mine." He replied, getting back into the truck.
   "Well we won't figure it out up here," Brenda said, arms crossed, clearly not impressed with all of this. "Let's go."
  I just walked closer to the cliff and stared at it for a minute, Newt standing a bit behind me. "Think he's in there?"
   "Guess we'll find out.."

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