Don't move

48 0 3

Newt POV

   "Alright, let's do this thing."
   "Shut up Minho."
    We finally made it back to the compound, Minho nearly giving us away by his loud whispers. George and Winston on the west side, looking for any way in, Jack and I heading down the south side. Minho and Frypan on the east, Aris and Jeff on the north.
   "Newt! Found something!"
   "Shh!" I yelled over the wind, following Minho's voice. "There's a side door, which is pretty stupid but it works."
   The others crowded behind me and shone a flashlight at the door, "Well... who's first?"
  I took the flashlight and tried to open the door, but it was locked, which wasn't surprising. "Anyone have a pin or something?"
   "Uhm... here..." Frypan took one of the buckles from his backpack and squeezed it to make it thin enough.
  I never picked one of these before although it didn't look to hard, so I tried to find the lock. A few minutes later Minho gave a huff, "Move Blonde, I'll break the glass and we can reach through it."
   I was about to object but Aris pulled me back, "Let him try." I nodded and Winston gave Min an extra shirt, to wrap around his knuckles, which he did. And less then a minute later the glass was broke, everyone heaving the door open back into that cursed building.
   "Ah hell no how are we going to find him in here?" Jack said quietly, as we moved through the nearly empty hallways.
   "The labs... maybe the rooms?" Min said, taking half of them and splitting up. The rest follows me back towards the labs they put me in. Strangely there weren't many people around, unlike last time, you couldn't go anywhere without someone around.
"Guys... I have a bad feeling about this." Aris said quietly, next to me.
"We all do now shut up." Fry said in a huff.
I frowned, feeling bad for bringing them along with me when I should have just come alone.
"Really guys? Thomas is our friend, he may have been a little whiny bitch sometimes but he got us out of that evil maze." Jack said, peaking through windows and doors.
"He's right.. except the bitch part... but you guys followed him out here, why not save his ass." I said, stealing a card off a table and swiping it in a padlock, it opening to a laboratory, with a bunch of people in white coats in it.
"Uh... this isn't the cafeteria..." Aris piped up, making a run for it in the opposite direction, everyone in the room following us.
"Shit, run!"
We ran all the way to the east wing, to the rooms where they kept the non-immunes, eventually loosing them by hiding. "Are they gone?" I whispered, crawling out of a vent I shoved my way into.
"I think so." Came a voice from behind me. I jumped, only to realize it was Minho.
"Min you scared me..." The rest were behind him, Winston, Jeff, Andrew and... "Where's George?" I asked, looking at them all.
"They took him, he ran off thinking he could find Thomas and they tackled and took him away," Minho said in a sigh, "There was nothing we could do."
"Oh..." Was all I was able to say, we lost one of ours for my stupid mission.
"It's ok... Let's just find Thomas and get the hell out of here." Min said.
I nodded, he always had my back, "C'mon, the testing labs are this way."
Minho took my hand in comfort and we took off down a few hallways. Some time later we came upon another group of people who were talking quietly, their backs to us.
"And Subject A2? What will we do with him?"
Min and I exchanged glances, that's Thomas.
"We need all the blood we can get."
"Yes, but his body is to weak to make more in enough time."
"I agree, we get rid of him later."
I felt my face get hot, they can't just murder him!
"Give me another week, I'll suck him dry, and he'll soon just die."
The others nodded and one dark haired girl took a clipboard and started away from them, walking with her heels clicking against the marble floors loudly. She swiped a card to a darkened room, and let herself in. The rest in the group dispersed, heading off in other directions, This one standing out to me. Dark blond, and stern, maybe in her older years... I've seen her before, I just can't put my finger on where.
We all fought for a spot to try and see into the room, but the windows were tinted black. Maybe they keep their victims in there... to kill them later on.
"Guys!" Aris whisper-yelled, hearing the 'click!' sound from the door as it swung open. We all ducked into nearby hallways and behind things around, watching the dark haired girl lock the door and walk briskly away.
"Anyone see something?"
"I just got a glimpse of her ass in that dress..."
"Oh my god Fry shut up you pervert."
"You shut up dickwad."
"Wait but seriously I thought I heard something in there, a yell maybe?"
"What? Really?" I asked Aris, who just about seemed the only one paying attention right now.
"Yea there's definitely something in there." He said, crawling out from under a table opposite the door.
"I call getting the card from the hottie!"
"ShuT UP!"
I heaved a sigh and looked at Minho, "You can get the card."
"Thanks Blonde." He simply stood up and followed her, as we waited quietly and impatiently for him to come back. As we waited, a few more people came in and out, Aris seeing or hearing nothing more. That same woman I saw in that room went in and out fairly quickly, and when I got a good look at her face from the hallway beside the door, I remembered where we saw her.

A few agonizing minutes later Minho came back with the girl leading. Everyone looked at Minho in shock as he simply shrugged. She swiped the card once again and let everyone inside. There, in the middle of the room, was my Thomas. His face was twisted into a pained look, tubes in his arms, filled full of thick red blood. It was a sight to see...
Min and I immediately over to him and unlatched everything from his body, Aris and Jack keeping the girl sitting down beside them. "Tommy? Can you hear me?"
I was only answered with a groan and a faint hand squeeze, which was always a good sign. We sat him up as he opened his eyes a little. "Newt?"
"Yea Tommy, it's me."
He struggled but smiled a little, pulling me close after we got him off that bed. "Hey... your ok..." He started waking up a little and glared at the girl behind us, pushing me behind him.
She looked up at him, fumbling with her hands. "I'm so sorry Thomas..." Was all she said, everyone looked at each other with confused looks but eventually Min got us gathered enough to where we could get out of here.
"We go back through the west wing, and then put the side door, front door if we have guests." I said, holding Thomas's hand.
"Agreed, but it would be nice if we had weapons." Min added on with a frown.
"I can help with that." The girl.. Teresa.. said, looking a little hopeful from her chair.
Thomas turned and looked at her, talking softly, "Why would you help us after you nearly killed me and my boyfriend?"
She stood up and crossed her arms. "It had to be convincing for Ava."
The name struck me, I was right, it was the woman from that video a few weeks ago after we escaped the maze... who supposedly shot herself. Ava Paige... CEO of WICKED.
"Convincing? Your on our side?"
Teresa nodded, "Always was... it's absolutely terrible about what their doing to you.. to all of you... I'm against it... but I grew up here and Ava is like a mother to me.... I had to pretend to be on their side to help others."
"Yea but you didn't help others," Aris chimed, glaring at her. "You let them take Rachel and everyone else from my maze!"
"That was out of my hands, and I didn't know, else I would have helped." She said, her hands clasped again in a very serious manner.
"You're a liar." Aris said, turning away from her.
"I am not." Teresa nearly yelled, looking at Thomas, "Please... let me help... I don't want you all to end up dead."
I looked at Tommy, who looked back at me. "Let's at least get the weapons." And kill her if she tries to kill us.
He nodded and she simply took us to a larger room, with a million weapons from guns to knives to explosives. Everyone grabbed their pick, Fry with knives, Thomas grabbed a pistol, I shoved put a dagger in my pocket and a gun as well.
"This is awesome!" I overheard Minho yell, lining every square inch of his body with some kind of weapon.
"Min... no." I said, knowing all that clanking would give us away immediately.
"No," I firmly stated as he sheepishly put away most of the things and kept some knives and gun aswell. A few minutes later everyone was set as Teresa made an announcement over the communications that subjects escaped in the west wing, the farthest from us so we have time to run.
"Why are you really helping us?" I asked, curious as to why now she's helping, despite what she said earlier.
"Like I said," She said, walking ahead of us, "I hate WICKED, and Ava... they're killing kids my age for a stupid antidote that doesn't work."
"So... it doesn't work... I knew it." Thomas said behind me, Minho helping him along.
"I had to pretend to you all that it was, that it could save people." she explained, swiping card here and there as if this maze was simple to her. "It can't do much else but delay the symptoms for a day or two, and you need an injection every day to fight it off. Soon you'd run out and eventually die of the Flare."
"Is that the virus everyone is talking about?" Min asked, Frypan helping Thomas along too, as he's limping from to much blood loss.
"Yes," She led us from hallway to hallway, my thoughts about her helping us falling father from hopeful to doubt. "And anyone not immune, like you Issac..." She said as she turned and looked at me. "Will die quickly if they catch it."
"He won't... and his name is Newt." Was all that Thomas said in the most stern voice I've ever heard.
She nodded silently and stood in front of a door, "Well... go... this is the way out... I can keep them from finding out Thomas is gone for a while so you have time to hide."
"Thank you." Minho said, but I had one more question...
"What's up with the subjects...? Why do they put us in the maze in the first place?"
She looked at the straggling group behind us then back at me. "They find out who is immune and who is not with those trials... who will live and who will die.. who's smart enough to fight.. and who's stupid enough to die."
"And the subject numbers?"
"Your A5, the glue," I nodded after she said that, "Your personality is one to keep everyone together, no matter what... and once we found that out.. we knew you'd be a fighter.... Although all they wanted was to see you suffer."
Thomas snorted at the last part, "He's been through enough..."
Teresa nodded as if she understood and looked at the group again. "That's why you guys have to stay alive.. and get away from all of this... possibly save people in the process."
"How come you didn't help earlier?"
"Because I didn't know if they controlled you... They have chips that they implant into your brain and it controls you like a robot.."
I frowned and nodded, all of my current questions being answered. "Come with us, We could help you."
She sadly shook her head, "I'm going to help others survive first, I'll come when I can... There are people in those mountains to the south, go to them, and you'll be safe."
Soon shouting came from behind us and all I heard was a gun cock next to my head.
"Don't move... or I'll blow your brains out."

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