I Promise

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Thomas POV

We drove down almost to the city walls, but Jorge pulled off to the sides. "Everyone out, we have to see if we can find Lawrence."
"And how do we do that?" I asked, getting out with Newt, staring up at the walls, remembering seeing the maze walls for the first time.
"He'd be around these parts, we just have to find a horribly disfigured face." Jorge said snorting.
I looked around at all the people around, shouting to get inside the city. Most of the faces were covered with cloth or scarves, as if the virus was airborne.
"Let's go muchachos."
We followed Jorge towards the walls, passing by people left and right. I kept an eye on Newt, making sure I wasn't far from him. Brenda was ahead of me by a dozen feet, weaving through people. I looked around to see others, wearing gas masks and carrying weapons.
"Newt?" I looked around to find him but he was nowhere to be found. "Newt!"
"Thomas!" I heard him shriek, but I couldn't tell in what direction. The panic rose, and I looked back to the walls, to see massive guns aim at the crowd.
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and races back towards me as they start shooting.
"Newt!!" I found Brenda and we raced ahead, locating Jorge hiding by one of the buildings off to the side, and Frypan was behind me.
"There!" One of the guards was dragging Newt by the waist to a car parked behind another building. I grabbed my knife and raced over, but he slipped out of their grasp and stabbed him.. or her.. in the stomach a few times, backing up.
"Are you okay?!" I yelled over the commotion.
"Fine!" He yelled back, but someone ran into him from the side, knocking him completely over as I felt arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Get off!" I kicked and flailed my arms, but two more came over and grabbed me, along with the other three. They shoved me and Jorge into a van, and took Brenda, Newt and Fry into another.
"Shut up or I'll shoot." A voice came. I shut up, not chancing anything, they put something over my head, and I couldn't see a thing. I bounced my leg though, just imagining what they could be doing to Newt.
I stayed quiet the whole way, feeling bumps and turns although it was a quick ride. 10 minutes maybe..?
"Get out." And I did, letting them lead me wherever.
"Where's the others? Where's Newt?!"
"I said shut up."
They grabbed my shirt and dragged me off somewhere. I'm expecting to have a gun pointed at my head, or a grenade strapped to my chest, but no, the blindfold is taken off. The sun blinded me for a minute, but my eyes adjusted to see that we were under a concrete structure. I glared at them, to hear Brenda screaming. "Yea, you run fucker!"
Someone went running past me, and another stood in front of me.
"We're all on the same side here." He said.
"What do you mean same side, who the hell are you?"
He looked at me and took off the gas mask.
"Hey greenie."
He almost took Newt from me, he almost killed him.. He hurt both of us.. and killed Chuck. He's dead because of Gally. My fingers curled into a fist and I threw myself at him, punching him as hard as I possibly could. Again and again I punched him, only for my arm to be held back by someone. I turned to see Newt, who held my arm tightly.
"Woah woah woah, stop, stop it.." He said calmly, not letting my arm go as Gally was pinned under me.
"He killed Chuck, he almost killed you!"
"I know.. I remember, I was there too.. I also remember he was stung, and half out of his mind. Just calm down.. alright..?"
I got myself off him, kicking him in the side for good measure. Getting up he rubbed his jaw. "Kinda had that coming.. Anybody else? Fry? Newt?"
"You know this guy?" Jorge asked quietly.
"He was an old friend.." Fry replied.
"How?" Newt cut in, running a hand through his hair, "How is this possible? You were dead.. We watched you die.."
"No, you left me to die.. And if we hadn't found you when we did, you would be dead right now..." He looked down and then at me. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Minho.." Newt muttered beside me. "WICKED brought him here, and we need a way in."
"I can help with that.. Follow me." He said turning away from us.
"I'm not going anywhere with you," I said sternly.
He turned back to me. "Suit yourself, but I have a way to get you through those walls."
Newt looked at me and walked ahead of me. I was going to take his hand but Fry put a hand on my shoulder and followed him. As did Brenda and Jorge. "Your outnumbered Thomas."
I heaved a sigh and followed, keeping a knife in my hand. We walked past groups of people, numbering 2 to a couple dozen. He led us to a back room, plans set up across makeshift tables and racks.
"How did you survive?" Fry asked, getting handed his backpack back.
"Minho has a bad aim." Gally said, snorting at his own joke, but a glare from Newt made him shut up.
"But seriously.. I woke up and got out of the maze, then these guys found me in the desert."
"And they're a gang or something?" I asked, keeping an eye on him.
"No, They're like us, a resistance." Gally answered, slamming a map on the table. "Now here's the plan.."

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