'All of it'

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Thomas POV

    I guess I fell asleep because I woke to the whir of helicopter blades and people yelling.
   "Thomas! C'mon!"
    I jump awake at Minho yelling at me and I scrambled out of the copter, finding Newt and taking his hand, making sure everyone was there while we were walked into a huge building looming over us.
   "Where are we?" Newt whispered, limping while carrying me.
    "Don't know."
   We walked inside, guards shutting massive doors behind us, making everyone jump. Soon a tall, lean man came over and introduced himself as Janson, head of this safe house.
    "Now I know your all confused and scared, but I'll explain everything later, first, let's take care of that smell."
   He pointed down the hall and everyone filed down, taking much needed, long showers.
   I finished mine first and just limped my way around, looking and watching people. None of them payed any attention to me and kept going with their business. I spotted a tall blonde woman standing on a platform on the second floor, directing a group of people below her, and eventually them leaving and her turning and smiling at me.
   I frowned and looked back at her confused, but she just waved and walked off. I frowned to myself and jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
   "Don't worry mate, we're all good now."
   I turned and smiled at my boyfriend, who grinned back at me and ran his hands through his wet hair. "You look good in those." I smiled, pointing at the jeans he was wearing, which fit him loosely but nicely.
   He laughed, making my whole mood rise.
   "Thanks, they're to big though."
   "Yea Cuz your really tiny."
    I put my arm on his shoulder and walked with him to a huge room which Janson said is ours.
    I laughed to see Minho and Andy fighting over the top bunk, Frypan quietly setting himself up on a bottom bunk and Newt just falling into one.
   "Real beds... who ever would have thought?"
   "Certainly not me." Minho said, winning by pushing Andy off the bed.
    "It's ours?" Fry asked, looking at Ratman.
He nodded. "All yours, your safe now."
I smiled at Newt who was already half asleep, twisted in the most uncomfortable position.
"Who's hungry?!" Minho yelled at the top of his lungs. I laughed and woke Newt up, all of us going to the cafeteria.
"Woah...." I looked around at the table full of kids that looked our age.
"We weren't the only maze."
"What?" I looked at Minho shocked.
"There were others, c'mon."
We walked over to a half empty table where Fry and Minho were, and a few other boys.
"They're maze was full of boys too, but one guy had a maze full of girls."
"Girls?" Fry's mood picked up and he grinned, looking around at some of the girls in the room.
I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction and glanced around at some of the guys, but none of them were as hot as mine.
I ate while talking to some other guys from another maze, Newt in silence beside me, barely eating anything.

"Alright everyone," I looked up along with everyone else. "The new people here are going to need to do some tests and things to make sure their healthy."
I looked at the rest of the group. "I guess he means us."
They nodded and filed out with doctors and other important looking people.
I limped over to one, who brought me to a big plain white room with all these weird looking instruments and stuff.
"What are you gonna do?"
"Check your vitals, make sure your healthy," She grabbed a pressure monitor and tied it around my arm. "And that you don't have it."
"Have what?"
She didn't look at me and kept working. I looked at her and frowned, feeling like I knew her somewhere. Her bright blue eyes catching my glance and smiling. "It's nothing really, just a virus." I nodded a little while she kept doing all kinds of things, eventually grabbing a huge needle. I've never been one to be scared of many things but needles are scary as fuck....
"Um...." I gulped down a lump growing in my throat. "Is that... going in my arm...?"
She nodded. "Don't worry, it won't hurt much."
"Much?" I choked out. "I need Newt, can he come here...?"
She looked at me confused. "Newton?"
I frowned and nodded, guessing it was Newt.
"Stay here, I'll be back." She left, leaving me there, to play with all her gadgets and things.
"Hey Tommy," I looked up and smiled, my heart instantly feeling better. "Needle time?"
I frowned and nodded again, watching him rub his right arm where a bruise was forming. "I'm nervous," I said softly, grabbing his hand, waiting for the girl to come back over and prep it.
"It's just a pinch and it's over, no big deal." I looked up into those dark eyes of his and found enough courage not to be a baby in front of him.
I must have grabbed his arm as tight as I possibly could when she stuck the needle deep into my arm, and drawing blood out of it, I did watch though, gripping his arm in a tight hold.
"See, all done." She put the needle in a bag and put it on a table while I rubbed my arm, hugging Newt.
"You have a tighter grip then I remember." I laugh a little.
"Sorry... I hate needles."
"I know but it's over now."
I got up after she said we could leave and I walked back to our room with him, plopping on my bed. Eventually Minho came in, being loud as fuck as usual, eating an apple and hurling it at a wall.
Everyone filed in later, chilling and watching TV, just enjoying themselves.
I got off my bed and plopped into Newt's, who was just sitting there staring at the door. "Newt?"
He jumped and looked over at me. "Yea?"
"What's the matter?"
"Oh, nothing, I'm just thinking."
"About?" I pry.
"This place... I have a bad feeling about it, and there are guards everywhere and I guess I just think it's to easy."
"Baby, just because we're safe, doesn't mean you need to be paranoid anymore."
"I know," he sighed and laid back, looking up at the white ceiling. "It just seems to easy."
I laid next to him, my head on his chest, just taking in his scent and enjoying finally being safe.

I guess I feel asleep because I woke up later that day, and it was dark. "Guys?" I called, getting up.
"Sup." I felt my way around and turned on a light, looking at everyone there, all except him. "Where's Newt?"
Minho shrugged. "They took him for more tests and he didn't wanna wake you."
"How long has it been?"
"Few hours, why?"
"That's an awfully long time for tests...."
He shrugged again, curling up and falling asleep fast, snoring loudly.
    I put it aside and curled up back in bed, eventually feeling Newt climb in beside me. I smiled and pulled him down onto my chest, falling asleep listening to his soft breathing.

   The next morning I woke up late, and found Newt still fast asleep on top of me. I smiled down at him, playing with his hair, just loving him so so much.
   As usual Minho whooped and shrieked when he awoke, jumping Newt out of a deep sleep.
    "Minho! You woke him up!"
    "Sorry! I'm just excited! We're finally safe!"
    I frowned and pulled him close to me again, feeling his quick breaths against my stomach.
    "Hey hey calm down." I sat up and kissed his forehead.
    "Sorry, he just... scared me."
    "I know, he needs to learn to shut up."
    He cracked a grin and we stayed cuddled together for a while, until I got hungry and went to breakfast while he stayed behind to sleep more.
    After a wild breakfast food fight, people being chosen to go to a 'new life' and meeting other boys, I stumbled back to our room, laughing hysterically with the others, only to find Newt gone.
    There was a quick note left on my bed that read;
    'Tommy, they're doing some more tests on me, I'll be back soon.'
I didn't think much of it and decided to explore some of our new 'home'. I left the guys to shower and mess around while I walked around the modern looking place. Despite nearly killing myself less then a month ago, I feel good enough to walk with a bit of a limp. Nobody asked why I was limping, luckily, and I made my way around, watching people talking, working and seem normal.
    I guess I got myself lost and I tapped onto a dark haired girl's shoulder, to find her the same girl that did my checkup just yesterday.
    "Hey!" She said a little to cheerfully.
    "Hi, I um... lost my way."
    She laughed lightly. "I figured, why else would you be in the Boss's section."
    "Boss section?"
    She nodded. "It's where Doctor Paige stays." I was about to ask who that was before a blonde woman walked over to me and smiled. "Hello Thomas."
    How the fuck do you know my name?
    "H-hi." I said, questioning things silently.
    "I saw you yesterday, walking around the compound."
     I nodded a little and shook her extended hand. "I'm sorry... who are you?"
    "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Ava Paige."
    I frowned, is this the same woman who killed herself on the video back in that room in the maze?
    "I'm... well, never mind you already know my name."
    She smiled, a genuine smile, "I know who you are Thomas, and I have a huge question to ask you, if you'll follow me."
   "I should be getting back..." I said, rocking on the balls of my feet.
    "This will only take a minute, come Teresa."
    Teresa... that name rings a bell. I sighed and followed them to a large room, a massive window letting in drafts of bright light. I sat down in the chair that Ava indicated.
    "So... um... what's so important?"
    She sat in front of me behind her desk, Teresa standing behind her. "This is an absolute serious question Thomas.... do you know what the flare is?"
    I thought for a second, "Is it that virus that everyone keeps talking about?"
    She nodded, clasping her hands together. "Yes, the flare is a deadly virus that kills the host within days. It's dangerous, and it has taken over most of the population. There's only about a million people left in the world, there being over 7 billion people just a few years prior."
    I nodded solemnly, remembering what the video of her said a while back, I started to pay more attention as she continued.
    "Thomas, some people are immune to the flare, and they can save the rest of the human race... and you, you are immune."
     "Wait what? Me? I'm immune? How?"
    "Genetics, we still aren't sure exactly how, but all your tests say that your immune, which means you'll never get the virus, even if someone infected bit you."
    "Ok.... what's your point?" I asked bluntly because I'm getting tired of her secrecy.
    "My point is you can save humanity."
    "Yes you, with your blood."
    "But.... why?"
    "Don't you want to save your friends?"
    "Of course.... what, are they not immune?"
    "They are, all except one."
    "Who?" I ask desperately.
    She shook her head. "I can't say, you'll find out tomorrow, but wouldn't you want to save more people from dying a horrible death?"
    "I mean... yea... but that involves needles, and I hate needles."
    I heard a soft laugh from Teresa, and I frowned at her.
    "Needles or not, would you save the human race Thomas?"
    "You'd need my blood? How much?"
    Ava looked at me with absolute sincerity.
   "All of it."

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