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Thomas POV

We took off, the snarls and screams from the cranks getting close with every second we ran. My legs burned, my head ached, but I'm not giving up. I shoved Teresa in front of me, not seeing Newt around. Panic rose, what if he was already attacked??
"Minho behind you!" Aris yelled, taking a gun from Jorge and shooting down a crank, returning to running.
"Thanks Aris!" He shouted back, pulling Andrew along. Winston and Teresa were behind, dodging cement and whatever else was in the way. I heard Brenda's angry yells and cheers after she took a crank down here and there, Jorge telling her to shut up every few minutes.
"Newt! Eight o clock!" Fry screamed, as I watched in horror as one tackled him from the left side. I stopped myself and turned to go back to help him, only to be knocked over by one myself. The panic was rising, I had to get to him. It grabbed my arms, pinning me down. I looked up at it and it was a young woman, no older then me, desperately trying to dig my heart out from my chest. I punched her, wincing hearing the screams, and kicked her off me. I rolled over to see Newt gone, and my heart dropped.
"Thomas move it!" He snapped, running ahead of me. Teresa was by my side, grabbing my arm and racing to catch up with the others. We gained speed on them, ducking inside halls and hiding behind doors. This place must be some kind of abandoned mall, there were escalators and broken store fronts all around. It was echoey, you could hear the gnarly agonizing screams from across the entire building, which made it impossible to know where they were coming from.
"Brenda!" Jorge shouted, finding her beside me.
"I know a way out! Follow me!" She said, taking off down a long hallway. I exchanged worried, frightened glances with Jorge and Teresa and ran after her, everyone following closely behind. She got us out of getting killed the first time, she'll probably do the same again.

~6 hours earlier~

   "It's late, everyone go to sleep, I'll look out." Brenda said later that day, Newt fell asleep curled up next to me, Minho having a can of beer with Brendon and Andrew in the back, signing bawdy songs they taught him. Everyone was kinda chill, and it was a nice change.
   I laid Newt down, using a backpack as a pillow, and I watched him curl up, grabbing my hand as he fell back asleep, the other laying over his stomach. I sighed, stroking my thumb over his hand. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve any of this... I took the liberty and moved some hair out of his face, which was still soft as ever. I took a wet cloth and washed some dirt from his pale face, wiping dried blood from a strand of hair. He's almost angelic.. the moonlight penetrating through the open shafts of the building, illuminating his face and bringing out his cheekbones. I just looked at him, this little broken boy, and all I could think, was that he was mine.
   Eventually I got up, my heart beating loudly in my ears as I started thinking about.. more of him.. So I went off to clear my head. It was dusty in there, and dark, but I made my way to a darker corner.
  "S-sorry, if you want me to leave.."
  "No no, it's ok Teresa," I said, sitting next to her. "I didn't see you here."
   "I was hoping no one would." She admitted, laying her head on my shoulder.
   "If you wanted some alone time, I can leave." I offered, not minding her head there.
   "It's fine.. stay actually, please." She looked at me and in the dim moonlight, I saw tears in her eyes.
   "Don't cry..."
  She laughed sadly and wiped her tears, "Sorry, I just... Brenda's right about me..."
   "I figured," I said softly, wiping a tear that slipped. "It's alright... you saved Newt.. that's all that matters to me.. so.. your a friend to me."
   "Even if I hurt someone else?" She asked quietly.
   "Hell, I've hurt people, it's ok." I reassured her, and let her stay close to me. I probably shouldn't, but she was just upset.
   "Who have you hurt?" She asked, taking my hand and analyzing my fingers.
   "Newt, for one.. a lot of times." I admitted, watching her turning my hand over. "And Minho, and well... somehow I've probably hurt everyone in my group."
   She frowned and tucked my hand close to her. "It's ok, we won't hurt each other, right?"
   I hesitated, I don't know if she's immune.. What if someday I have to put a bullet into her head?

She kissed me. She cupped my face and pulled me close, pushing her lips against mine. I froze, my mind racing circles. Did I like this? Did I want to keep going?
   She let go, her eyes opening and a shy smile crept up. "I'm... I'm sorry... I just thought..."
   I just looked down, fumbling with my shirt. I looked around a little to keep from her seeing me blushing, but instead, I saw Newt, standing in the corner. His arms were crossed, his eyes were hidden in the darkness but I knew he was hurt.
   "Newt I.."
  Then the sound came, a horrible, ear piercing scream sounded out and he left before I could say a word. I looked back at Teresa, her eyes wide with fear. She grabbed my hand and we ran to the group. More screams went out, everyone getting up and grabbing their weapons in panic.
   I watched dozens.. and dozens of people rush towards us. Closing in every second.

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