Did they escape?

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Thomas POV

It shut right in front of me, I whirled around and Ratman was standing there, smirking. I looked through the small dirty window of the door and saw the group holding Newt back from coming to it. I gave him a small reassuring smile and went with Janson.
"Good choice Thomas." He said, dragging me somewhere. I sighed and let them take me to another room, that looked like a laboratory.
"Well now that your here... I suggest we start with the basics," Janson sat down, arms folded, Teresa and Ava behind him, "We need your blood to save the world, you won't die. Just be weak."
   "I could die!" I yell at them, standing up. "And for what? A stupid cure that probably doesn't even work?"
    "It does work."
    "Doubt it." I huffed and silently prayed that the group will leave and find a safe place.
    Ava turned to Teresa and they hauled me to a lab, tying me up and sticking things in me, despite me yelling and trying to get out.
    After a while I gave up because there was no way in hell I could get out of there. I looked around and saw the tubes in my arms drawing out the thick scarlet blood. I felt sleepy, as if someone was sucking the life out of me, and I eventually fell asleep...

Next time I wake up, I can barely open my eyes. How much did they take from me?!

I passed out again, and this time I felt a little better. Was able to sit up and look around the monochromatic slivery room. White upon white upon white, it hurt your eyes. I looked down at the tubes coming from both arms which were empty, but still stuck there... "Good morning Thomas."
I look up at Teresa, and immediately try to get out. "Your a bitch, you know that?? This whole stupid plan of yours is not going to work!"
She ignored me, grabbing and flicking a syringe full of clear liquid. "The hell is that stuff?" I ask, although it was more yelling.
"Chloral Hydrate," She explained quietly, "It'll put you to sleep for a while, so your body heals and we take more blood."
"Hell no!" I struggled to get out more but both arms and legs were strapped to the bed.
"Think of this not as torture," She said, about to stick the syringe into my left arm. "But as saving people, If your... 'friend' caught the virus, he'd die within days, but this..." She looked up at me, smiling. "This could save him, you wouldn't want him to die, would you?"
"No..." I admitted weakly, my thoughts turning back to my nightmares long ago. Is this how he died?
"Did they get away?" I frowned, not meaning to say it aloud.
She glares at me, the smile long gone. "Unfortunately yes, but we'll catch them soon, they couldn't have gone far." And with that, she stuck the syringe into my arm and it all went black.

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