Save Thomas!

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Newt POV

I whirled around to see the gate separating us from Janson shutting, Thomas still a yard from the door. Everyone stopped running and watched Thomas's face reach the door and he gave me a sad look, and whispered something I couldn't make out. I ran back to the door and pounded on it, only to jump back by Janson's ugly face in the small pothole window. I watched the guards grab Thomas roughly and dragged him away from me, as I heard myself yelling through the door. Soon my voice became hoarse and Minho and Aris pried my hands off the gate.
"Newt we have to get out of here before they catch us all!" Min grabbed my wrist gently but firmly enough to get my attention, "We'll make a plan and come back, I promise, for now we have to go!"
I looked at him and put all those feelings aside enough to look at the group, and nod. "Let's go."
We took off through the compound, Aris finding a smaller door through a huge one, leading right outside. I braced for it and stepped out into the sandy plane in front of me, wind wiping it around like crazy. "Aris! Minho?"
"Here!" We all linked hands and ran away from the building, listening until the sirens seemed to fade in the distance. Aris was able to grab a backpack he passed as we ran out but nothing would have worked to see.
   We kept walking for about a half hour in silence, arms linked until there was a ditch that nobody saw. I fell legs first into it, and I heard something crack when I hit the sand beneath, my head hitting something hard and things temporarily went black.
"Newt!" I heard Minho yell.
"I... I fell! There's something here! Follow my voice!"
They heard, and Minho was able to grab my shirt and pull me out, but next to the ditch was an abandoned building half hidden under sand dunes. "Go inside!" I blindly held onto Minho's shirt as we all tumbled inside, hitting a cold hard floor.
"Can anyone see anything?"
"Anyone seen Newt?"
"I'm here Jack..."
A few minutes later everyone was on their feet, Aris handing out flashlights that conveniently were in that backpack. I already sat down, planning a way to get back into the compound and find Tommy, Winston wrapping up my leg with a ripped sheet, pulling my pant leg down over it so Minho wouldn't see. I spaced out enough, thinking, to snap back to find Frypan stashing non-perishable food into a bag he found in the back, Min already pulling on a faded denim jacket, Jack and George fighting over a knife one of them found. I got up and looked around realizing this place probably used to be a refuge or something important because there's rations and clothes as if people lived here.
"Guys, if we're gonna save Thomas from those psychopaths, I suggest we all find a place to sleep, and grab something from Fry to eat." Minho said, taking over since he seemed to know I was worried about Thomas.
Within a half hour, everyone was curled up on made-up mattresses, Winston in the corner holding the dagger he took from Jack. I couldn't sleep, listening to the howling wind outside, to sick to my stomach knowing I left Thomas there... After his accident, I promised myself I'd do anything to keep him safe, no matter what. And I let him down... I have to get him back.
So I figure, they don't want me, I'm not immune which means if I get infected, I'll die, so they won't care. If I can get in enough to pass as someone in their system, maybe I can sneak in and get Thomas out. If I have some of the other's help, they can get rid of some guards if they figure it out... This might work... Aris knows the place inside and out from being in there so long and sneaking out... We may have a plan to save my baby.

Morning rolled around faster than I wanted, and everyone stirred at dawn, being so used to the glade.
"Did you stay up all night Newt?" Winston asked, handing out pieces of bread from the bag.
"Maybe," I admitted, him clearly knowing I did, maybe I had dark circles under my eyes.
   "You shouldn't have, you need your strength, and to rest that bum leg."
   "Shush." I said quickly, not wanting Minho to know because he'll insist to carry me the whole time.
   "Yo Blonde," Minho said in a huff as he plopped next to me. "Any plans on how to get shank back?"
   "Yea," I said, basically forcing myself to eat a little bread despite the walnut growing in my throat from what they could be doing to him. "We're going back to get him, If Aris can get us in secretly I may be able to pass the guards enough to find him."
   Minho stopped me by putting a finger to my lips. "One: That's a terrible idea. Two: We should find the Right Arm, I overheard Ratass talking about them, a secret force against WICKED, up in the mountains."
   I frowned and looked at him, everyone gathering around a bit. I stood up and put my hands on my hips, "People, in the mountains... Mountain people? That's your plan?"
   I saw Min laugh a little, which lifted the spirit a little bit. "Oh shush, we need to find Thomas..."
   "Your right... but should we split up?" Jack asked from the back.
   "No, it's to dangerous and there are to few of us." I said, picking up a backpack Min handed me.
   George took the liberty of counting the 6 of us, frowning that there should be many many more...

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