My sexy badass

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Thomas POV

   It's been almost a month since the accident, and Newt's finally sleeping, which is good because Clint told me he hasn't in days, watching after me. I feel so bad of what I did to him. I almost killed him... how could I?! While he was sleeping I sat up and held him in my arms, I rocked him gently, but every move he made, he made a face that showed he was in pain. I sighed and got Clint to help me check him.
He woke up as I was trying to sit up, and got up.
"Tommy I'm fine. Your the one that's not! Lay down."
He jumped up, and tried to get me to lay back down.
"No Newtie, I'm ok, your the one that's not."
He shakes his head. "I'm really fine, you just broke your leg!"
I grab his wrist and pull him to the bed. "Newt, I want to see how you are. I know your in pain.L
He sighs and sits next to me. "Let me see, please?"
I put a finger to his lips. "No buts, I want to help. Let me see."
He sighs and slips off his shirt. I gasp to see the bandages around his waist and the slash across his side.
He looks down. "It's ok Tommy....."
I shake my head. "No, I did that... I did that!"
I tear up and he hugs me. "It's alright."
I let go and grab the alcohol and a towel. I sigh and unwrap the bandage, then look at the cuts and bruises all over him. He winces when I clean them, and I have to force myself not to stare at his perfect body... when I finish, I look up at him, and I see he's tearing up.
"Oh Baby." I hug him tight.
"I'm sorry Tommy...."
"Don't be sorry, I'm sorry for doing this. Does it hurt?"
He nods a little, I turn and hand him two pain killers that Clint found.
"Are you tired? You should sleep." He says, already curling up, looking outside.
"Not really, you should rest Newtie." He doesn't answer and just stares at the maze walls. I sigh and tell him to close his eyes. He frowns and closes them, and I wrap a small chain around his neck.
"Ok, open." He opens them and looks down, then I hand him a can, which is reflective and he smiles.
"It's so pretty Tommy. Where..?"
"I found it.. it was in my pocket when I got here... I don't know where I got it." He smiles and hugs me.
"Thank you Tommy, I love it."
I hug back tightly. "Your welcome baby." He let's go and looks outside again.
Damn.. I never noticed his jawline... could cut glass... he licks his lips and runs a hand through his hair. Oh god damn, He's so hot. I think.. wait... I look down and blush. Oh god I have a boner. I blush like mad and pray he doesn't look down. But I lean forward and touch his bruises gently. He winces and looks up at me. I don't think and just kiss him hard. He kisses back, then pulls away.
"Your not feeling good, Tommy..." I fuck everything and kiss him again. He kisses me back, and I basically fall because my legs gave out and pin him down, still kissing.
Looking at him shirtless and touching him shirtless are two very different things....
He grins slightly and I use my arms to stop kissing his lips and go down to his jawline, kissing. I can hear him sigh softly, and I keep kissing, going down his jaw to his neck. When I found a weak spot I sucked on it, enjoying his sighs and a sinfully beautiful moan that came out.
"Tommy...." I smirk, "You like that?"
He looks at me and nods. I grin and keep sucking on it. He sighs and shifts under me, I suck more, leaving a mark. I giggle "Well... I might've left something there."
He grins and I move down and kiss his chest, tracing his abs. I find his shoulder and lick down to his nipple. He lets out a small sexy moan, biting his lip. I smirk and lick again. Kissing all the bruises on his chest, he grins, and sighs. "I want you babe..." I whisper, biting his ear a little. I nuzzle my head into his neck, sucking on the weak spot I found.
I want him... I want him so bad.. but my legs don't damn work... I stop and he sighs again. I trace his chest again.
"Your the best." He smiles at me and I smile back. I let him up and he pushes me down, kissing. Then travels down my neck. I let him take off my shirt and kisses around my chest. Oh god this is good. When I get better... I want to do more, but oh gosh what if Minho finds out, he'll never let me live it down. I let out a moan when he hits a spot and I can feel a shiver down my back. I grin and kiss him while he traces my chest.
He's more fit then me... and skinnier. He's absolutely perfect. How do I deserve him after everything I've done to him? He stops and I smile, then peck his lips. "Love you Newtie."
     He smiles back and grabs my hoodie. "Love you too Tommy."
I smirk and grab the shirt out of his hands and put it on. "You look better shirtless."
"What the fuck you talking about? I'm an ugly shank."
He tries to take the shirt back. "No your not. Your fucking beautiful, like a god. My beautiful sexy god."
He grins shyly and tugs on the shirt. "Noooo you can't have it. Your to hot to be covering your body."
He laughs. "No Tommy, I'm not. But gimme!"
I giggle and grab the other one before he can take it. "You are. And if you agree I'll give it back."
He huffs and pouts, sticking his bottom lip out, knowing it turns me on.
I frown at him. "Fine, Agreed, Just give me the bloody shirt!"
I grin. "You have to say it. Say your a sexy god."
He crosses his arms. "Fine, I'm a sexy god. Happy now?"
I grin and hand it to him. He throws it on and laughs. "I take it back."
I frown and tackle him, using just my arms to hold myself up. I laugh and pin him down. "No way. You are not taking it back. You said it and it's the truth, end of story."
I lay down next to him and sigh. "I'm a bloody idiot."
He looks at me. "No your not."
I nod. "Yes I am, I did what you did and wanted to die because I hurt you to many times. I mean I almost killed you!"
He shrugs. "Yea But..."
"No buts! It's my fault your like this!"
I tear up thinking about his screams, me attacking him like I was possessed or something. God I fucking cut him!
"Nooo Tommy, it's really ok! I've been in worse situations..."
I can see the hurt in his face, and the sadness in his dark eyes. I tear up, being the big baby I am, and sigh. Looking up at the wooden ceiling.
"I could've killed you... like the dream...."
I start crying thinking about it, and he gets up and hugs me. "Shh Shh, it's ok. It's not real, it's not gonna happen, okay? Trust me."
I sigh and put my head on his chest, feeling safe and protected, even though I'm supposed be protecting him... I frown and start to fall asleep...

Newt POV

   It's morning, the next day, after Tommy gave me the necklace. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't take it off. Ever. I'm really happy he gave it to me, but now I have nothing to give to him. I wake up at dawn and let him sleep, while I grab my notebook and draw his sleeping face. Awww he's bloody adorable. I silently curse at the pain coming from my stomach, but try to ignore it. But I draw until he starts to stir and I peck his forehead.
"Morning Tommy."
He smiles, then grimaces. "You ok?"
He nods. "I need pain killers and food... lots of food."
I laugh and get up. "I'll get Clint in here, be right back."
I help him sit up, get comfy and walk out. Although I'm limping more than walking...
   I get Clint and grab Tommy a plate of food, then go back to the hut. But I hear someone yelling and crying. Clint's on his way over but I drop the stuff and run to the hut, ignoring the shooting pain in my leg. I burst in and see Alby walking towards Thomas, who's screaming and trying to back up. I see that Alby's holding a knife and is about to attack him. I scream at Alby but he doesn't react. I can't let him hurt Tommy, so I grab the knife out of my back pocket that I almost always carry and stab Alby in the back.
"Newt!" Thomas cries out, probably thinking it's me that got hurt. Alby lets out a cry but still tries to walk forward. I stab again and again, some out of pure anger and sadness, others of him even thinking of hurting Thomas. He turns on me and stabs my gut, I try not to cry out, but stab him once more right in the spine. Finally he collapses and I fall with him, since I'm basically on his back. "
"Oww..." I stumble up, limping over to Thomas.
"Are you ok?! Did he hurt you?!"
He shakes his head and I carry him back to the bed as Minho and Clint burst in.
"What the fuck happened?!" Minho yells, while Clint goes to Alby.
"Are you guys ok!"
I nod a little and look at Thomas. "You ok Tommy? Did he hurt you?"
He shakes his head, clearly sobbing and shaking.
"Y-you saved me."
I hug him tight. "Shh, it's ok. Your safe."
He calms down quickly, and lays back. Clint takes Alby to the med-jack hut, while Minho gets Thomas more food. I rock and hold him, forgetting I'm bleeding out. I'm starting to get lightheaded... but I shake it off and let him fall asleep. I suddenly remember about Alby and lay Tommy down, then I go out to the hut.
"Hey Clint? Is he ok?"
He watches Jeff cover Alby's pale face with a blanket, then turns to me, shaking his head.
"Sorry Blonde, he's dead."
"W-what..? No.. I didn't. I killed him!"
He nods slightly. "But it was self defense. It's ok. It wasn't intentional."
"I-I killed him...." I sigh and cough, tearing up, using my sleeve to cover my mouth, but when I look down, there's blood. Clint looks at me, and I collapse...

Thomas POV

  When I woke up, Newt wasn't there. I tried to sit up, but Clint came in instead.
"Where's Blonde?" He shakes his head.
"He passed out."
I immediately sit up. "What?! Why? Where?"
"First off, calm down. Second, he lost to much blood. Third, It was in the med-jack hut after we took Alby over there."
"How are they?"
"Alby's dead, Newt's sleeping, I'll bring him in here later."
I frown. "Alby's dead??"
He nods. "Yea, spine got severed."
I crack a grin. "My British badass killed him?"
Clint rolls his eyes. "Yea, I'll go get him."
I sigh and wait until Clint comes back in, Minho carrying Newt in. I tear up at his limp body and take him, stroking his hair and face.
"What happened?"
Clint answers. "He was stabbed, and lost a lot of blood. Passed out after we told him that Alby died."
I sighed. "He looked after me even when he was bleeding out."
Minho nodded. "Always a selfless shank."
I tear up. "He could've died because I was being a baby...."
"But he's ok, and will be, just rest, both of you."
They walk out and I curl up by him, crying on his chest....

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