This Sucks

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Thomas POV

   That's it... we're finally leaving

  I decided to tell Newt later after he woke up. Minho and Andy helped me walk to the map room. They frantically wrote stuff down and explained what they found to me. I was dizzy with news and sat down letting them do whatever.
"Thomas, we have to get a gathering going tonight. And I say we hold one last bonfire while we're here." Minho said, smiling.
"Agreed Min." Andy replied, not looking up from the paper he was writing on.
"Yea let's do that." I agreed, helping them pack some bags with supplies for one last run out to the hole.

A few hours later they mapped their route and packed two bags for themselves to stay out longer in the maze to explore the hole more. They helped me walk back to the med-jack hut and I woke Newt up. He got up after I told him the plan and way out.
Fry and Newt planned one last bonfire while the others gathered in the homestead for a meeting. Newt came heavily limping in with Fry helping him.
I sighed softly when I looked down to see his black and blue leg.
"Alright... Minho and Andy have found the way out. And tomorrow they're going to scope it out again. By next week, we are leaving." Newt said in a leader kind of voice. The room erupted into cheers and laughing.
Chuck clung to my jeans and smiled up at me.
"Are we really leaving Thomas?"
I nodded down at him and smiled back. "We're leaving buddy."

After Newt calmed the commotion down. He kept explaining.
"I need everyone to get bags from the homestead and pack what you need, extra clothes, shoes and weapons. Fry is going to pack as much food as he can for everyone. It's not going to be easy getting out of here but we can do it."
The room erupted again and fry carried in drinks for everyone. They filed out to the already going bonfire and for once, I really thought we were going to escape.

Hours passed and the excitement was still going on as strong as ever. I sat with Newt on a log far from the fire. He was picking at the old scars on his arms, looking nervous. I took his hands and made him look up at me. "Are you scared babe?"
He nodded and sighed. "It's been 4 bloody years and it... just seems to easy, something is bound to go wrong. People are going to die and what if it's me or you."
I stopped him from ranting and just hugged him instead. "Calm down. Nobody is going to die, especially not one of us. Everyone here is strong and we will escape and live a happy life, ok?" I can tell a little white lie despite my dreams.... right?
He nodded and we watched the fire die out and the boys scatter and drunkenly walk to their hammocks and fell asleep happily an with full stomachs.

The next day Andy and Minho ran out into the maze just as it opened. I was up almost all night refusing to sleep because I didn't want to have a nightmare that someone was going to die on me. And by that someone, I mean my entire heart.

The glade came to life within a few hours of them leaving. Things were frantic and there were still a few guys that had a hangover. Newt was up first and was mapping and writing things out, explaining things to the gardeners and track-hoes and builders and sloppers. I smiled at him taking charge and sat around all day.

I fell asleep and when I woke up, I heard yelling and I felt a cold breeze come through the homestead. I got up, and limped to the door. I threw it open and stared at a white covered glade. I shivered and shuffled outside a few feet. "What... the... fuck?"
"Cool right?!" I heard Chuck say, who face planted into the fresh white snow.
"Um yea..." I said, looking around. "Where's Newt?" He pointed at the map-room and fell into the snow again. I spotted Mark and he helped me over there through the 3 feet of snow that covered the normally hot glade.
"Newt?" I said when I got in there. I looked around and found him writing stuff down, stopping every few seconds to blow on his pale hands. "Babe?" He looked up at me and immediately walked over.
"What are you doing up? You can't walk!"
"What are you doing here?" I asked, "Your so pale!"
"Nah I'm fine, you need rest."
"Wtf happened here?!" I half yelled-half whispered.
"After you fell asleep it just started snowing. I've never seen anything like it." He said, blowing on his hands again.
I took his hands and they were ice cold. "Oh newt! Your freezing!" I tucked them into my shirt, under the blanket I wrapped around me earlier. I shivered of how cold they were and pulled his small cold body closer to mine.
"I-I'm ok. I-have work to do." He said, looking up at me. I sighed and ran a thumb over his blue lips.
"Not until you warm up. You have no meat on your bones and your gonna freeze to death before you even walk outside."
I said fast, and wrapped both arms around him. He didn't protest and I gave him the blanket, watching him wrap it around his body. I looked down thinking of what his body looks like under those jeans....
Wait what? Oh fuck.... c'mon Thomas shut up.
I cleared my throat and fished through the closet in the back, finding more blankets and piled them on him. He giggled so fucking adorably when I put one over his head. He pushed it back just enough so I can see the tip of his nose and long lashes. I smiled at him and we walked together back outside, watching the guys have snowball fights and making snowmen. He laughed as Chris got smacked right in the face by Mark. And Jeff slipped and fell on his butt in a puddle of wet snow.

We decided to let the guys have fun while Newt and I talked, warming up in the homestead.
"If this snow doesn't melt.. we don't have much food.." he said worriedly.
"Doesn't Fry have some saved?"
"Yea but not enough to feed 60 hungry teen boys." He sighed softly. "We should be leaving tomorrow, not with all this snow here, you can barely walk around without face planting."
I stifled a laugh and just nodded. "Yea... maybe we should wait?"
"That's the problem, we can't. The maze changes and who knows how long that section will stay open for us to leave, at most we have only a day or two."
"Then let's have Fry pack everything he can, and we escape tomorrow, no matter the weather." He nodded.
"I guess that will work."

We cuddled until Minho and Andrew came back, confirming that they found a safe way out. We plotted and planned for the rest of the day

Tomorrow... we're gone

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