And I'm outta here

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Minho POV

  After Clint and I found Newt in the maze, I was about to burst into tears, while Clint just looked at me with a worried and sad look.
  "You take him, I'll be right behind." I said, putting my hand shoulder.
    "Okay okay." He muttered and picked Newt up bridal style.
    We ran through the maze as fast as we could, which was just as fast as usual, because Newt barely even weighed anything.
    "Shit- the maze is closing soon."
    I nodded, and looked back at his worried face.
    "Don't worry, we'll make it out." I said in a reassuring tone while he ran ahead of me.

    We rushed towards the opening and saw all the boys standing there, their worried faces pushing us harder, faster.
   Suddenly the doors started closing in front of us, and Clint basically threw Newt at me and slowed down.
"Clint!" I yelled, looking back at him and pausing for a minute.
He pushed me ahead and I ran right into the glade, pushing Newt into Thomas's arms and turned back thinking Clint was behind me...
But I looked back and the walls shut before I could move.
"Clint.." I whispered, tearing up knowing that he wouldn't survive a night in the maze. The crowd dispersed and I went over to the walls, laying a hand on them and whispered a quiet goodbye to him, fighting back a few tears.
  Thomas came over and hugged me. "Minho I'm so sorry."
  "It's fine...." I said quietly, hugging him back. I never liked the shank but now he was welcome company.
  Later after Thomas left, I got up and put him out of my mind, trying to think positive. Maybe he isn't dead..? Just maybe...
  I heard that they fixed Newt up so I went to the med-jack hut to see him once I had gathered myself. "Hey Blonde, You alright?"
   He nodded in silence, even though he looked horrible. "Yea, fine.. Min I'm so sorry about Clint."
   I sat down next to him and sighed. "It's ok Kiddo, I'm just glad your ok."
   "I'm fine.. but he.." He stopped and lowered his voice even more. "He sacrificed himself for me.."
  I shook my head and wiped his falling tears. "Because he knows how much you mean to me Blonde, best friends since even before the maze, or so Thomas says."
    He looked up at me sadly. "But he's your boyfriend. I'm just your friend, It would be like me loosing Thomas or vice-versa."
   I sighed softly, thinking how bad it would be if one of them died. "It was his choice, it's okay, trust me."
   Instead Newt just got up and hugged me tightly. "I am sorry Min."
  Before I could reply, Thomas came in and I let go of Newt, knowing he wasn't a fan of our close relationship.
  "It'll be ok, just get some rest." I said, giving Thomas a sad look and went off to my hammock to try and sleep it all off.

~Next day~

I went out into the maze alone for the first time in over a year and came back happier then I've ever been, my mind focused on one thing.
"Thomas!" I might have found a way out!!" I called, racing to the med-Jack hut and dragging him to the homestead.
  "Say what?" He asked all annoyed.

"I found a way out! Well I think.." I said, frowning and thinking about it more. "I'm not positive but still!!" I smiled brightly and nearly hugged him like a happy child.
  He laughed at me, "Where?!"

"Section 8, I found a secret place where I found Clint's clothes." I frowned a little, thinking back again but dismissing the thought. "Anyways, I'm gonna take Andrew with me and we can check it out. Maybe we really can leave."
He nodded while I ran to Andrew who was working in the gardens. I told him the plan and we got ready to leave for the morning...

~Next day~

After the box came up with supplies, Andrew and I ran into the maze faster then usual. We ran for a good hour straight to section 8 which was surprisingly still open.
   "Not gonna lie Minho, I have a good feeling about this." Andy said, running ahead than me.
   "Me too." I said, smiling for the second time since Clint died. We kept running until Andy tripped over his feet and almost fell into a massive hole in the middle of the way. I grabbed his shirt as he screamed loudly like a girl. I pulled him back and crouched down by it, surveying the blackness inside.
  "It's gotta be at least 20 feet wide." I muttered looking at it.

"No shit. And I almost died." He said laughing. We got back up. "What if there is something down there?"
   I looked at him confused. "Maybe?"
  "Dude... what if it's a home for grievers?" He stuttered loudly and with wide eyes. "What if it's their hideout and their gonna come kill us both!" He braced for it and ran behind a wall:
   I chuckled and went over to him. "Remember grievers don't come out during the day, we'll be fine, let's just try some easy things first."

Together we grabbed small rocks from around the walls. "Let me go first." Said I, as I threw a rock close to the edge of the hole. It dropped, but I didn't hear a sound.
   He threw another one a few feet farther than mine. We crept closer but didn't hear anything. I threw another even farther and heard something clink deep down that dark hole. We cast happy glances at each other and both threw two more down. We heard a clinks both times and stood back up.
  "I say there's something down there man, I'll go down. You hold me."
   He went down slowly holding onto the rope from our bags, I held onto it tightly. "Dude your heavy!" I yelled at him.
  "Your heavier!" He yelled back. "Hey there's a floor down here!" I heard him shuffling around.
   "How's it going?" I called to him, lying on my back staring at the blue sky, not putting any more energy into this.
  "There's nothing down here except a massive door that won't open. But I do see a sign that says 'exit'."
  I sat up in confusion. "Seriously? It say 'exit' on it?"
  "Yep! Now get me outta here and I'll explain!"
I brought him back up, and we relaxed next to the hole for a while, as he told what he saw.
   "It's a way out Min, I swear it. I saw a lot of weird things but I really think we should tell Newt and Thomas."
  I nodded, and hoisted myself up, offering him a hand "Definitely, they're gonna freak."
   We made a bet to see who could run the fastest and raced back to the glade as fast as we could.

A while later we burst into the glade and ran directly to the med-jack hut, fortunately I won. I basically kicked the door open and saw Thomas sleeping next to Newt.
   "He's drooling." Andrew whispered, about to burst into laughter. I shook Thomas and he jumped awake, trying to slap me.
"Finally your awake." I rolled my eyes and dragged Thomas outside. "We found the way out!"
   "Seriously?! Like really? Your not messing with me?" Thomas asked, wide eyes. "Like really?!"
  We nodded at the same time. "It's a way out. Andrew went down and saw an exit sign, it has to be a way out, I swear!"

Andddd he fainted.

We got him up, waking the dumbass back up and explained everything. He freaked out and decided to gather everyone to tell them tonight.

That's it... we're finally leaving

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